USDA’s faster line speeds means even more suffering for pigs and more injured workers — please take action!

Pigs boiled alive.


Friend, it’s heartbreaking, sickening, and wrong.


But it’s one thing that happens more often when Big Pork slaughterhouse and processing plants speed up their lines. More animals suffer EXTREME mistreatment and pain!


Earlier this year, a judge ruled that having no limits on these line speeds was too dangerous. But now the USDA is ready to say to hell with pigs and people, too.


NINE Big Pork slaughterhouse plants are submitting applications NOW to make the lines go even faster…


We have one chance to stop them. And we can’t wait! Please sign our urgent petition today!


Big Pork is already making big profits off record exports. They get over a BILLION dollars a year in federal payouts, subsidies, and bailouts — your money.


They’re also one of the CRUELEST businesses in the world — where smart, sensitive pigs suffer in misery every single day of their lives.


Their GREED is insatiable. They’ve been crying about reduced slaughter speeds ever since the judge ruled against them!


And now it looks like the USDA may give them what they want with NO consideration to animal suffering!


But faster slaughter and processing DOES hurt animals. Handled with electric prods to move them through the line. Awake DURING the slaughter process. Pigs are boiled alive. We can’t stand for this.

Maybe we shouldn’t be surprised this is happening. President Biden chose as his Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack from Iowa — a former U.S. Senator from America’s #1 pork producing state. Big Pork has had his ear for decades!


Well, now it’s time he heard from us. Let’s flood his desk with petitions and stop this trial by torture before it starts and instead improve conditions for pigs and other animals. Sign YOUR petition now.


Full Circle is dedicated to providing farmed animals the best quality care and advocate on their behalf. But there’s even more to this story.


Sadly, we expect the worst treatment for pigs… Mothers are tightly confined in gestation crates, babies are mutilated at birth, and they are bred to die fast. But I’m shocked that the USDA is caving into Big Pork and putting more workers at risk of injury and death.


A 2016 study of one Maryland plant showed THREE-QUARTERS of the workers had abnormal nerve function in at least one hand. The rate of injury in pork production is SEVEN TIMES that in other industrial jobs!


And the faster the lines go, the more pigs get hurt and maimed and even boiled alive. We can’t let this happen!

The pigs at Full Circle Farm Sanctuary can’t tell us about the pain they experienced before they were rescued. But we see the impact of Big Pork’s cruel treatment of animals in high rates of joint problems and other injuries.


THEY JUST DON’T CARE about anything but money. They don’t care about people, and they definitely don’t care about pigs.


Thank goodness you do. You’re a friend to animals, and I want to make sure Sec. Vilsack hears from you. Please help me STOP this TORTURE before it starts! 




Courtney Perez

Board President

Full Circle Farm Sanctuary


P.S.    For years, the pork industry has had no problem zapping pigs with electric prods or dunking live pigs in boiling water and ignoring their pain and suffering. We can’t let this continue without the USDA hearing our outrage. Please sign your action petition today.

Full Circle Farm Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity.
961 White House Parkway, Warm Springs, GA 31830
EIN: 36-4735749