Check out these photos from last week’s Liberty and Justice Celebration in Iowa, then please consider chipping in to help us continue to build this movement.


This was the scene in Iowa this past Friday:

Cory was back in the Hawkeye State for the Iowa Democratic Party’s Liberty and Justice Celebration -- one of the most important events of the political season before the February caucus.

He took the stage and inspired us all by speaking about how we’re going to defeat Donald Trump, heal our divided country, and put ourselves on the pathway to a brighter future.

“This is a moral moment in America. We as Democrats have to call this whole country to higher aspirations, with a president that tries to divide us, the end for Democrats shouldn't be to beat Republicans. The calling of this party must be to unite Americans again in common cause and common purpose.”

Take a look at some of the people in the stands who were representing this team. Whenever you donate to this campaign, you’re supporting the work of our dedicated field organizers, many of whom are pictured above. That’s a good reason to chip in today!

Here’s another perfect picture from that day:

Moments like this are only possible because of supporters like you. If you want this movement to keep growing, chip in today.

Together, we will rise.

Booker HQ


Paid for by Cory 2020

P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

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