
Four years ago today, Trump signed into law – backed by nearly all Republicans and not a single Democratic vote – one of his only legislative accomplishments: to give corporations and the wealthiest Americans one of the biggest tax cuts in modern U.S. history.

John, I'm not celebrating.

Because while Republicans and CEO billionaires gleefully applauded the 2017 tax cuts that gave even more breaks for the richest 1%, it has been working class Americans who are forced to foot the bill.

It's simple: when Republicans control Congress, working class Americans pay the price. Chip in $5 to make sure Democrats keep the House in 2022 so I can keep fighting to level the playing field >>> Meanwhile, real wages for middle class Americans have barely budged in the last 40 years, all while the middle class still pays more in taxes than the top 400 richest Americans.

But that didn't stop Trump and Republicans from slashing Corporate tax rates and taxes on the wealthiest Americans in 2017, and it won't stop them from doing it again if given the opportunity.

It's unconscionable. Our country cannot afford to let Republicans' short-sighted greed destroy our economy and the hope of prosperity for all hard-working Americans.

John, The combined wealth of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk is now more than the bottom 40% combined and the top 1% of Americans now own 92% of the wealth in the country.

That's why it's so critical we elect more Democrats to the House and Senate. With your help, we can make the wealthiest corporations and billionaires pay their fair share so we can get to work making healthcare affordable for all, ending childhood poverty, investing in universal pre-k and tuition-free community college, and so much more.

Donate today so that Republicans don't have another opportunity to throw working class Americans under the bus. We need to invest in our country's future, not the bank accounts of the ultra-wealthy. >>> I know you're with me on this issue. Let's build an economy that works for everyone, not just those on top.

– Christy