Dear People For Supporter, As we approach the New Year, I hope you’ll continue to support People For the American Way and their important work by renewing for the New Year early with a triple-matched end-of-year donation of $7 or more to make sure People For the American Way is at full strength for important fights we face. Here’s why: Our fundamental rights remain under attack like never before. While Donald Trump is no longer in the White House, the Far Right has not given up on its efforts to turn back the clock on the rights of women, immigrants, minorities, workers, and so many others. In addition to Congress, these battles have and will continue to be fought in our courts – courts which Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and their allies packed with ultra-right wing judges with lifetime appointments including three Supreme Court justices. The pursuit of justice for vulnerable communities will be made even more difficult by the damage done to our court system. I’m thankful People For the American Way is focused on addressing this egregious harm. I know the type of anti-minority, anti-women, anti-LGBTQ ... anti-any-vulnerable-community thinking that Trump and McConnell prioritized in the appointments of federal judges is alive and well. But despite the damage done to the Supreme Court by Trump and Mitch McConnell, we’re beginning to restore balance to our federal courts. Through the grassroots support from People For the American Way and its robust nationwide network of members and activists, we’ve been able to push back against the continued harm to our court system and a record number of qualified judicial nominees put forward by President Biden have been confirmed. This work must continue. As I often say, battles don’t stay won. Make no mistake – no matter our efforts to restore the Judicial branch, the Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation continue to groom far-right ideologues for the bench, and other extreme right-wing groups with endless dark money funding stand by ready to fight. They also continue to smear the excellent nominees we’re confirming – nominees who are independent and fair and who will respect constitutional rights and the core democratic principles we depend on as Americans. We’re living in a dangerous time. And People For the American Way and its supporters like you are a critical xxxxxx against the rising tide of extremism and these anti-democratic forces. We need to stay the course. And every inch of progress we’ve made and continue to make in the New Year will be on the line in next year’s critical midterm election. So, now more than ever, your passionate involvement with these causes and this organization will make a crucial difference to the future of our country and the lives of its people. We need you, and People For the American Way, more than ever. Thank you for everything you do. Sincerely, Senator Mazie K. Hirono, Hawaii