Our right to choose


Jack — Abortion access and reproductive healthcare are hanging in the balance. As the Supreme Court continues deliberating a case that has the potential to overturn Roe v. Wade, 21 states controlled by Republican legislatures are eager to enact extreme measures to restrict access to this lifesaving care.

Medical decisions should be between a person and their doctor, period. Will you stand with Team HEAL as we fight the attacks on reproductive healthcare across the country?


The research is clear — anti-abortion legislation doesn’t work and is more harmful to marginalized and low-income groups. In addition to having the most restricted access to abortion in the 21 states above, they also have some of the worst social support systems for marginalized and low-income families — who are most affected by these draconian restrictions on reproductive healthcare.

Abortions are life-saving medical treatment, and allows people to plan for the future. Will you sign on and stand against the attacks on abortion?


— Team HEAL