John, here’s a little-known fact about who is in charge of the dangerous, far-right plot to call a disastrous Article V Constitutional Convention to amend the U.S. Constitution:
It’s none other than Mark Meckler, the right-wing millionaire notorious for co-founding the Tea Party Patriots -- a group that has helped push QAnon and other extremist conspiracy theories.
He’s also the CEO of Parler, Trump’s social media platform of choice. This app was removed from the Apple Store in response to the January 6th insurrection.
It’s worrying (and telling) that Meckler has chosen an Article V Convention as the best way to amend the U.S. Constitution -- and force through his far-right, anti-democracy agenda.
After all, right-wing billionaires like the Kochs and the Mercers (of Breitbart and Cambridge Analytica infamy) and secretive far-right lobby groups like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) have already signed onto this effort to shred our constitutional rights.
Their agenda is clear and shocking. Shredding First Amendment protections. Gutting environmental regulations. Rolling back civil rights advances. And enshrining far-right wing economics as permanent fiscal policy -- that will gut Medicare, Medicaid, and other safety-net programs.
Many constitutional experts believe it’s the biggest present threat to our democracy -- and it’s happening right now, fueled by right-wing special interest groups, behind closed doors and out of the public eye.
The progress they’ve already made should strike fear in the heart of every American.
John, if just seven more states call for a Constitutional Convention, the forces of reaction will have the two-thirds supermajority needed to throw our entire constitutional system into chaos. That’s right: just seven more states.
And with Meckler at the helm, even more reactionary mega-donors are sure to open their checkbooks to help take this sinister effort over the top.
Simply put: we must be prepared to fight back in every state they target.
The odds may seem stacked against us, but here’s why I’m optimistic: Common Cause has proven that concentrated and organized grassroots action can STOP this right-wing attack on our Constitution.
That’s right -- despite the odds, Common Cause has already shown we can fight the extremists and win. Common Cause activists have successfully rolled back calls for an Article V Convention in Colorado, New Hampshire, Delaware, New Mexico, Maryland, and Nevada.
But each legislative session, extremist lawmakers bring these calls back up -- and we have to be prepared to shut them down again and again.
You can make a critical difference today by investing in our state-by-state grassroots work to DEFEND the Constitution and STOP an Article V Constitutional Convention.
Mark Meckler’s Article V Constitutional Convention would be absolutely unprecedented in U.S. history -- and would certainly open the door to major constitutional chaos.
LET ME REPEAT: Many constitutional experts believe this is the biggest present threat to our democracy -- and it’s happening right now, fueled by right-wing special interest groups, behind closed doors and out of the public eye.
27 states have already passed the call for an Article V Convention, and just seven more signing on would set the process off. Remember what this means: letting far-right interests rewrite our Constitution to their liking -- and putting all of our rights in jeopardy.
This isn’t some plot out of a dystopian novel. Their effort is actually underway as I write. Even more frightening is the reality that there are no rules or guidelines in our current Constitution that can constrain an Article V Convention once it’s called.
Which constitutional rights do you care most about? Free press, reproductive rights, privacy, criminal justice? Any one of those could be placed on the chopping block if we don’t act.
With just seven states between us and an Article V Convention, the time to redouble our efforts is right now. That’s why I’m urging you to immediately help Common Cause in our state-by-state battle to block and rescind calls for an Article V Convention.
If you agree we need to STOP Mark Meckler and this sinister, right-wing plot to trample our rights, can you step up with your Year-End Contribution of $3 or more today?
The U.S. Constitution is considered one of the most important human rights documents in the history of the world. But if we let these right-wing extremists have their way, none of those rights will be safe: free speech, freedom of religion, and even our right to vote.
Time and again, we’ve fought the far-right and won on this issue. That’s why I know that if we’re financially prepared, we can again defend these cherished rights -- and make sure we leave a worthy democracy for the next generation.
Please let me hear from you today.
Thank you,
Viki Harrison, Director of State Operations
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. To learn more about the dangers of an Article V Constitutional Convention, visit