Dear Friend, Why dare to even try ending sexual exploitation? Why take on a giant so big, so daunting? I believe that now, more than ever, any effort to change policies is the key to providing hope among those being exploited. We must shape our culture for the better! Right now, and through the entire month of December, a special $60,000 matching grant is in effect. It won't just MATCH your gift, it will TRIPLE it! Generous donors who believe so completely in this mission to end sexual exploitation are offering it to encourage you to participate in the cause. Please give now so your gift can make 3X the impact! We’re working tirelessly across the country to make real changes that impact real lives. 2022 is going to be a big year with tremendous victories. But we need your help. Stand with us today. Together we will end sexual exploitation and create a culture that values human life and dignity. Respectfully, Patrick Trueman President and CEO National Center on Sexual Exploitation P.S. Change policies, provide hope, and shape culture when you give now so your year-end gift can be TRIPLED! |