The draconian measures taken in New Zealand and across Australia to arrest the spread of coronavirus. Now Austria, Germany, the UK flirt with their own lockdowns...
Charlemagne Institute
To What Ends Do Political Leaders Push Pandemic?
America stands at a crossroads. Do we continue the march toward socialism and decline? Or do we take to the ramparts and resist the totalitarians?
Witness: The draconian measures taken in New Zealand and across Australia to arrest the spread of coronavirus. Now Austria, Germany, and the UK flirt with their own lockdowns and mandates. The ugly suspicion hissed by some is that these are prelude to global assertions of authority, that we are hours, days, months from renewed, vigorous suppression of liberties in the US.

Indeed, New York Governor Kathy Hochul has announced a state-wide mask mandate for businesses in the Empire State that fail to implement mandatory vaccine requirements. This despite the fact that the symptoms of patients with the Omicron variant have tended to be mild and that there has been no actual shortage of hospital beds for residents of Gotham!

And this has been followed by outgoing NIH Director Francis Collins seeking to disparage the eminent authors of the Great Barrington Declaration because they’ve rightly questioned the health efficacy of the mandates and lockdowns.

And now the NFL and NHL are beginning to postpone games as COVID outbreaks appear on the field and on the ice!
While we at Charlemagne Institute don’t claim authority in medicine, we are unable to turn away from repeated evidence that government functionaries are twisting science like a pretzel. So we have taken to sharing this information in our daily postings. With the purpose to preserve constitutional rights.

Against rising threats to the republic, Charlemagne Institute is unsparing in the ardent defense of personal liberties. Which is why our online magazine, Intellectual Takeout, has published regularly and repeatedly on the evolving and often contradictory protocols for public healthcare in the present age of pandemic…which other media seeks to bury, deny, or obfuscate.
But we need your support to bring these truths forth. To reach a diverse
audience. With hopes to raise public awareness…and influence policy.
Our year-end goal is to raise $100k with which we hope to expand distribution and readership. If you share our dedication to a positive American ethos, to honesty in government, to the restoration of balance in media and academia, then please consider a tax-deductible gift of $50 or $100.

Or if you are able, please consider a larger gift of $250 or possibly $1,000. In which case we will be pleased to send you a signed copy of Paul Gottfried’s acclaimed new monograph, Antifascism: The Course of a Crusade.
Click Here to Join the Fight!

Your support today means we will be able to hit the ground running in 2022, fighting the madness and restoring sanity to America. Thank you for all you do!


Devin Foley

Devin Foley
CEO, Charlemagne Institute

Feature image by Mosab Omer Musa via Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0


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Intellectual Takeout
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