Last week, you heard from David Theroux, Independent’s president and my husband, on Ending our Pandemic of Fear.
I want to share with you the lesson of hope I’ve learned over the past year for overcoming homelessness and urban poverty in the most unlikely place: the San Francisco Bay Area.
Since San Francisco has become known as the poster child for out-of-control homelessness and urban decay, we figured that if we could make a difference here, the example could reverberate across the country. And so we launched our Beyond Homeless initiative in 2019.
We started with our peer-reviewed, in-depth Policy Report, Beyond Homeless: Good Intentions, Bad Outcomes, Transformative Solutions (or read the Executive Summary), exploring the root contributors to homelessness, as well as current housing and homelessness policies and their outcomes. We then looked at alternative approaches, and presented practical homeless and housing solutions to achieve far superior outcomes.
As we were working on the Policy Report, we decided to produce a companion documentary to take our findings to new and expanded audiences. The several months filming the documentary was a whole new chapter for me. I got to know individuals experiencing homelessness and many who have successfully turned their lives around, as well as policy experts and service providers. Likewise, I encountered an inspiring community that came together to provide an amazing path for its homeless to achieve transformed lives, in the process creating a virtuous circle that can be a model for every city.
The resulting 38-minute film, Beyond Homeless: Finding Hope, will be rolled out next year. A recent special preview for local donors confirmed that it casts a compelling and inspiring vision that excites action.
Behind the scenes of Beyond Homeless: Finding Hope
We would love to bring this work to every community in the country that is struggling with homelessness—unfortunately now very widespread, and only getting worse thanks to the misguided federal policy, “House America,” that President Biden recently doubled-down on.
Your support will help us counter and reverse this tragedy, restoring lives and communities. A $100 gift will sponsor a virtual screening; $250 will help underwrite an in-person screening; and any amount will help with our outreach and promotion.
And, recall that from now until December 31st, our board is offering a special two-for-one challenge match, meaning that $100 will become $300, $250 will bring us $750, and $10,000 will become $30,000!
With your help, 2022 will be a very special year of much-needed hope, here in the Bay Area and across the nation.
Thank you for your kind consideration!
With best wishes,

Mary L. G. Theroux
Senior Vice President
Independent Institute
100 Swan Way
Oakland, CA 94621
(510) 632-1366