Over the weekend, NumbersUSA's BACK OF THE HIRING LINE audiobook reached No. 1 in Amazon's list of new releases in the Immigration Policy category! Have you listened yet?
The paperback version may be the gift that is best for your relatives who have never been quite sure about the propriety of your enthusiasm for restricted immigration.
Most people find that when they order the book online that the book arrives within two days. That would be plenty of time before your holiday gatherings.
We're not talking about giving this book to your relatives who are fully committed to open borders and unlimited immigration. Don't mess up any family gathering talking with them about this issue.
Rather, this is a book for people who may be concerned about the chaos at the border but wonder if efforts to restrict immigration might not be the nice thing to do.
There may be no gentler or more interesting way than BACK OF THE HIRING LINE to help them see that the moral high ground is in moderating immigration numbers. For example, if your skeptical relatives are concerned about racial and economic inequality, the history in this book leaves no doubt that mass immigration has always been one of the government's and business lobbies' most powerful tools of anti-Black racism. Do your skeptical relatives want to stand with them, or on the moral high ground with you?
"Now, in calm, clear, and engaging prose, Roy Beck tells the story of the unintended consequences of uncontrolled immigration on black Americans. . . . This is a masterful account of a vitally important story to which more attention must be paid, especially by those who see open borders as a form of reparations and penance for our intrusions overseas. Immigration policy, as Beck convincingly observes, should make our country more unified in concern for the Americans with the strongest claims for fair treatment and racial justice." -- Amazon review by "Libroman"
As for your relatives who already admit they agree with you, they surely will enjoy how this book equips them with stronger evidence of the compassion that undergirds their desires for less immigration.