From Ned Lamont <[email protected]>
Subject CT Democrats need your help before 2022
Date December 21, 2021 8:21 PM
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John, I’m reaching out about the Connecticut Democratic Party’s end-of-year fundraising deadline, and in a moment I’m going to ask if you’re able to help them reach their goal.

This deadline will determine what resources they have to support Democrats up and down the ballot throughout 2022, and I’ll be counting on them to have my back as I campaign for reelection next year.

Can you donate $10 before the year ends to help Connecticut Democrats build a comprehensive voter outreach program? Your support will make a big difference as we work to secure Democratic victories up and down the ballot in next year’s elections. [[link removed]]

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Together, we were able to achieve so much this year in Connecticut with our Democratic House and Senate majorities — from supporting working families by increasing the earned income tax credit to historic investments in workforce training and 11 straight months of job growth.

All while overseeing the strongest pandemic response in the nation.

While Democrats have been busy getting things done this year, attacks on voting rights and women’s rights have amplified across the country. We must be prepared with the resources to defend what we’ve accomplished and continue pushing forward.

The Connecticut Democratic Party worked tirelessly this year to mobilize all of the Democratic volunteers and organizers we have in Connecticut. With your support, we will continue succeeding in races big and small all across our state next year.

Please donate $10 before 2021 ends to help Connecticut Democrats mobilize votes for Democrats up and down the ballot in next year’s elections. [[link removed]]

Thank you, John!

— Governor Ned Lamont
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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