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Watch an update from our Policy Bureau

Dear John,

As we near the end of 2021, the work we have achieved is a testament to how far we have come and the promise of what’s ahead. With your support this year we adapted to our new normal and continued to advance American Muslim interests and values in the media and government.

In these challenging and uncertain times, we sought to amplify the voices of American Muslims' needs and experiences, ensure that our community is not overlooked in any decision, and engage with leaders who wanted to learn more about American Muslim values. 

Please join us in taking this unprecedented year’s successes to the next level in the years to come by institutionalizing our programs that uplift and amplify our shared values of mercy, justice, peace, human dignity, freedom, and equality for all. Will you support this work with a donation of $150 or more today?


Here's some of what we accomplished this year:

  • Presented our joint report with Emgage Action, The Double Standards of U.S. FTO vs. DTO Prosecution, in the United States Capitol. By being a voice at the table for American Muslims where prosecution and enforcement guidelines are drafted, we can ensure that fewer injustices are perpetrated not only against us but against any American. 

  • Convened Muslim-Jewish-Christian faith leaders for a special interfaith event amidst rising tensions in the Middle East. Following the press conference, we brought diverse voices to the table for informative discussions on the Palestinian struggle for peace. In the wake of this series, policymakers looked to us as a credible voice that can provide valuable insight and recommendations when drafting legislation. It is through this work that we are recognized as a leading voice for those working to protect the human rights and religious freedom of all. 

  • Amplified our voice to those creating policies that impact American Muslims. This year, MPAC President, Salam Al-Marayati was invited to contribute his voice to the internationally-recognized publication, The Hill, the number one independent, respected news source on Capitol Hill with a readership that includes not only members of Congress and their staffers but members of the Cabinets and Agency administrators responsible for the impact and execution of policy. Being invited to become a contributor and share the perspective of American Muslims with the readers of The Hill is not only an honor but an opportunity to effect change. 

  • Increased our reputation as a resource on policy recommendations. Following the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and the subsequent U.S. withdrawal, we built a reputation as a resource for recommendations on policy in the region and as a trusted ally in centering the voices of the community. We created a space where Afghans are recognized and uplifted while addressing the political climate surrounding the crisis.

    Our voice at the table in the rooms where policy is crafted, will ensure a future where fewer injustices are perpetrated not only against American Muslims but against any American. Through our combined efforts we can embrace the values that exemplify our identity; pluralism, equity, dignity, and compassion. Together, we can tell the next chapter in the Story of Us. Will you give $150 or more to fuel this work?

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In service,

Salam Al-Marayati
President, MPAC

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Founded in 1988, the Muslim Public Affairs Council improves public understanding and policies that impact American Muslims by engaging our government, media, and communities.

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