I don't know you and you don't know me, but the government is forcing me to choose between the jab and my job, and I'm writing to you today because I think we have something important in common.

I think you're a patriot, and I think you know what's at stake.

You know that freedoms given away are never given back.

And no matter your vaccination status, you know that your medical decisions are between you and your doctor – not you and your government, or you and your boss.

That's why I'm suing the federal government alongside of 6,000 other federal employees with the help of the Health Freedom Defense Fund and why I hope I can count on your generous support today.

Will you give $25, $50, $100 or more and give us the ammunition we need to win this legal battle?

My name is Christina Davidson, I'm a paramedic firefighter, and I've worked for the Department of Defense for 14 years.

If I did what the government is doing I'd lose my license on the spot.

I'm not allowed to give my patients medication without their consent, and I'm not allowed to threaten them to take medication.

But that's exactly what's happening to me and thousands of other employees across the country, and that's why we need you on our side.

Because what starts with us won't end with us.

If they can do it to me, they can do it to you.

We're taking on this legal battle because we know if we give up and give in, it's only a matter of time before they come after you, your livelihood and your family the way they came after ours.

We want to stop tyranny in its tracks and codify our medical rights into law once and for all.

But we don't stand a chance without you.

I won't mince words…we've got our work cut out for us.

The government is going to fight us every step of the way.

They've already shown us how far they're willing to go to push these mandates.

They've blatantly defied the courts, and are encouraging private employers to do the same. The President has even told businesses to ignore the courts.

Federal employees lucky enough to get an exemption are required to undergo "reeducation" training.

On top of regular threats, we're told we have no chance of promotion unless we shut up and take it.

And if we're fired, it won't just be a matter of finding a new job.

They're making it so that we'll never be able to find work again.

They want to make us so desperate that we have no choice but to surrender once and for all.

This has nothing to do with health.

They want to break our wills, break our spirits, and send a loud, clear message that they have control over our lives.

And if we let them win, there's no turning back.

Which is why I hope you'll fight along with me with a generous gift of $25 or more today to help fund lawsuits to fight vaccine mandates and preserve medical freedom.

I don't know if you're vaccinated – and I don't want to know.

It's none of my business.

I want to know if you'll stand up for your countrymen when it matters most.

Thank you for your consideration.


Christina Davidson
Paramedic & Firefighter
Proud Supporter, Health Freedom Defense Fund


Paid for by Health Freedom Defense Fund

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