You're invited to our LAST training of the year.

This month we were trusted with Sharell’s story of harassment, which she shared in a powerful series of videos on our platforms (Click here to see part one, and part two). Here is a message she wished to share with us and with you this month:

"I am so grateful that Hollaback! is providing a safe space for people like myself who have experienced harassment daily during my commute to work.   

The feeling of hopelessness that comes after being harassed is insurmountable. Every morning I would have to prepare myself for being harassed, it became a part of my daily routine. I couldn't believe I was in a way "normalizing" it. I felt, mental preparation was the only way to "survive."

Being exposed to Hollaback!'s bystander intervention work and anti-harassment efforts, I am shattering those defeatist thoughts. Being Harassed is NOT okay! It's not NORMAL! And shouldn't be a part of a person's daily routine. I am making a commitment to fight back and spread the word!  Thank you Hollaback!"

Thank you for being part of this movement with us Sharell!

The stories you share with us fuel this movement, they let any of us that experience harassment know that we are not alone, and that this is not okay. If you are moved to do so, share your story with us here, or read more stories and let them know you have their back.

Thank You from Hollaback!

The Hollaback! Team wanted to take time to uplift and thank you all for your contributions in making 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence a success.


Over the last 16 days your donation helped us continue our work to:

  • Map and anonymously elevates stories of harassment.
  • Bring together a community on HeartMob to support someone who experiences online harassment.
  • Support closed captioning so we can make our training accessible for those with disabilities. People with disabilities experience more harassment than those without.
  • Train people in bystander intervention.
  • Train young people on how to take care of themselves when they experience harassment and how to intervene safely when their friends experience it.
  • Support our video conferencing platform so that we can train up to 5,000 people at one time. We average 50 training sessions per month.
  • Supports free Bystander Intervention training for the public.

In this campaign you Showed Up, Stood Up, and Spoke Out. Not only did you do all three - you exceeded every goal we set.


On behalf of all of us at Hollaback!, thank you!


Hollaback! in the News!

This month we made waves by partnering up with Fayetteville to address street harassment. In his proclamation, Mayor Mitch Colvin said this about bystander intervention training: "This is one way that we can all work to save our city," said Colvin. "We know that gender-based violence can happen to anyone. You could be the one to intervene, you could be the one to offer help." To read more about this partnership, click on this Yahoo News article.


This December 2nd our very own Jorge Arteaga and UniQue Webster joined Ray Thomas and Tania Magras to discuss the #StandUp movement and our partnership with the city of Fayetteville. This is a great listen for anyone interested in supporting the movement to end harassment. Take a listen on Facebook and let us know in the comments what you can take into your community!


For the second year in a row, we’ve worked closely with the NYC Commission on Gender Equity and the Mayor’s Office to Stop Domestic and Gender-Based Violence to offer folks actionable steps to participate in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Base Violence. Read here to learn what Harlem World Magazine had to say about this campaign!


Become part of the internet’s most supportive community!

This is your reminder to sign up for the new and constantly improving Heartmob! Heartmob is our vetted community that is there to support anyone experiencing online harassment, and most recently we added features to make our work accessible to one of the groups that is targeted the most online - women journalists. Click here to learn more about how Heartmob works and sign up today!