Dear Friend, 

As we continue to live in uncertain times, there’s no doubt that our client communities – low-income families, communities of color, unhoused neighbors – are still disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. While we work to recover and rebuild in the upcoming year, the Law Foundation will continue to ensure that our client communities are not left out. 

Join us in our mission to build a just and equitable Silicon Valley by making a tax-deductible contribution before the end of the year. 
With your support, our attorneys and advocates can help families from being displaced, ensure that people get the healthcare they need and provide critical support for children facing abuse or neglect.

Your contribution today ensures that we hit the ground running in 2022, providing crucial legal services for our neighbors most in need. 

Thank you for being on our side this year, we wish you a safe and happy holiday season. 

With gratitude, 
Alison Brunner, Esq.
Law Foundation of Silicon Valley