CAMPAIGN FOR TOBACCO-FREE KIDS • Celebrating 25 Years • Taking on the Toughest Fights


I’m calling BS on Big Tobacco companies Altria and Philip Morris International and their major PR campaign to reposition themselves as the good guys.

DONATE NOW to keep the pressure on Big Tobacco and expose their lies >>

They say they’re “Moving Beyond Smoking” and “delivering a smoke-free future.”

We’ve heard it all before.

Big Tobacco has lied to us all for decades, including under oath in front of Congress. The end game is always the same – to buy more time to flood the market with cheap, highly-addictive products and hook as many new customers as possible. Their business model is to rake in huge profits on the addiction and suffering of millions, and once again they’ve shown they’re not going to quit.

When Big Tobacco says they want a smoke-free future, they want you to forget:

  • Their main business is selling billions of cigarettes each year.
  • They actively fight proven policies and regulations that actually reduce smoking.
  • They market addictive and deadly tobacco products to kids and other vulnerable populations.
  • They continue to develop new products to hook kids and keep customers addicted for life.

One of many deceptive advertising campaigns by Philip Morris this year, painting themselves as the good guys.

The truth is...

Altria and Philip Morris International don’t have to wait for some far-off, promised future to do the right thing. They have the power right now to move the world toward a smoke-free present.

They could immediately: 

  • Stop production and sale of all cigarettes and other combustible tobacco products.
  • Stop marketing cigarettes, especially to youth and other vulnerable populations.
  • Stop fighting against tobacco control measures proven to reduce smoking.

But they never will. And anything short of this is just more PR spin, putting lipstick on a pig, a steaming pile of you know what

We're not falling for it.

And we’re out to make sure policymakers don’t fall for it either. We’re not going to let them get away with this obvious gaslighting. They are not the good guys.

We’ll be calling BS on Big Tobacco in a big way next year as they continue their latest phony image-rehabilitation campaign.

Get in on the action with us by supporting the effort with an end of year donation:

This is a huge fight, and we need all the support we can get.

With thanks,

Laurie Rubiner
Executive Vice President, U.S. Programs


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Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
1400 I St NW, Ste 1200
Washington, District of Columbia xxxxxx
202-296-5469 | [email protected]

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