Dear John,
The world is at an all-hands-on-deck moment. We need to ramp up all
angles of pressure. With your help, we can hold corporations accountable for their words and actions. Shareholder advocacy can compel real change at corporations, and your gift makes it possible.
This year our Board has pledged to match all end-of-year giving 1:1 up to $100,000 — doubling your donation’s impact!
- FedEx, Twitter, United Airlines, CarMax, Hertz, Public Storage all committed to strong emission reduction targets
- Campbell’s, JM Smucker’s, Pepsi agreed to significant progress on pesticides reduction
- Walmart announced a new pollinator health policy, now the strongest policy at a national grocery
retail chain
Your gift keeps the momentum going.
- General Electric agreed to target net-zero emissions by 2050 from the use of its products, which include jet engines and natural gas turbines
- Eastman Chemical agreed to report on plastic pellets spills, the 6th major petrochemical manufacturer to agree with our request
- Valero will link its executive compensation to climate performance measures
Your donation pushes back on the forces fighting for status quo.
- Keurig Dr. Pepper, Mondelez, Pepsi, Target, Walmart agreed to set significant absolute reduction targets for plastics
- Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, BofA, Citi, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo agreed to reduce financed emissions in alignment with Paris goals — financed emissions are emissions created by the companies and projects financed by these banks
- Microsoft, in a first-of-its-kind agreement, committed to increasing access to spare parts and repair documents
Together we can rise to the enormous climate and social justice challenges we're all facing. Shareholding advocacy works.
Want more details on the kind of change your gift can create? Read on…
Absolute Cuts to Plastic Use
Improved recycling alone is not enough to stem the tide of plastic pollution engulfing our oceans – we need reductions in actual plastics use, materials redesign, and substitution. As You Sow filed shareholder resolutions with ten leading consumer goods companies calling for commitments to absolute cuts in use of plastic packaging. Pepsi, Keurig Dr Pepper, Mondelez, Target, and Walmart are the first to step up and affirm new commitments.
"We look forward to other companies stepping forward to make similar commitments," says Conrad MacKerron, Senior Vice President of As You Sow.
Keep the pressure on packaging manufacturers to eliminate plastic use – donate today.
Financed Emissions and Net-Zero Goals
Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Citibank, and Bank of America have all accepted responsibility for the emissions created by the projects their loans finance, and for aligning with the Paris Climate Agreement's 1.5°C goal. Just a year ago these commitments seemed a long-way off, even laughable, given the banks' initial responses to our engagements. But tenacity and perseverance
pay dividends.
These announcements are a clear signal to companies in every sector, including oil & gas, that they must set credible net-zero transition targets or find access to capital increasingly expensive and restricted. Business-as-usual is no longer an acceptable standard.
Your donation will allow us to track their interim targets and reporting to make sure their actions match their words! Nature Coming Back To Life
General Mills is committed to advance regenerative agriculture in one million acres by 2030. After only one year, the company is expanding the program – the farmers are saving money and as soil health improves, are beginning to see birds on the land for the first time in years.
When it's good for the company, their suppliers, and the community-at-large, that truly is change for good. When a leader in a sector reports success to the rest, we're on our way to a large-scale solution. Our Pesticides in the Pantry report showed that General Mills' leadership has driven change sector-wide. Now 12 of 24 major agriculture companies have a regenerative farming policy in place.
This is the goal in all our interactions – large-scale, repeatable solutions. Your support makes it happen.

Together we can fight back against the ferocious business-as-usual forces. With your help, we’ll keep shareholders front and center in an all-out effort to ensure that equity and
justice are at the heart of combatting climate change, rebuilding food systems, and eliminating ocean plastics.
Your generous contribution will expand shareholder power and impact. You’ll make a difference. And remember — your donation will be doubled.
The As You Sow Staff is deeply grateful for your commitment to keeping this planet a habitable place for future generations. With your help, we'll do our part. Donate today.
Yours for a safe and happy holiday season,
Betsy McMahon
Director, Shareholder Relations & Individual Giving
P.S. Make it easy on you and great for us as well. Consider making your donation a monthly recurring gift. It’s easy to do online – just click on the ‘monthly’ button when donating.
P.P.S. Need to take a qualified distribution from your retirement plan this year? Donating directly to us through your IRA can have big tax benefits to you. There are rules around it so please make sure to work with your IRA custodian.
As You Sow
2020 Milvia St
Suite 500
Berkeley, CA 94704
Mailing address:
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PO Box 751
Berkeley, CA 94701
DISCLAIMER: As You Sow is not an investment advisor, nor do we provide financial planning, legal or tax advice. The content of our programming, publications and presentations is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and should not be considered as information sufficient upon which to base any decisions on investing, purchases, sales, trades, or any other investment transactions. We do not express an opinion on the future or expected value of any security or other interest and do not explicitly or implicitly recommend or suggest an investment strategy of any kind.
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