Hi John,

It isn’t always easy to feel hopeful at the moment, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic continuing at pace. So I wanted to share some of the incredible things we’ve managed to achieve together this year:

  • As part of our work challenging prejudice in schools, the Autumn term has been our busiest ever - we’ve run workshops for over 3,000 students a month.
  • HOPE not hate’s research and intelligence has contributed to five people being convicted for terrorist offences in the last 12 months.
  • Off the back of our groundbreaking Antisemitism in the Digital Age report, thousands of people, including MPs from five political parties, demanded that messaging app Telegram take action against far right networks on their platform.
  • Following Azeem Rafiq’s revelations about the racism he experienced at Yorkshire Cricket Club, thousands of HOPE not hate supporters called on Yorkshire CCC to release their report into racism at the club. HOPE not hate also launched our new cricket education project as part of our commitment to #RunRacismOut both on and off the pitch.
  • Tory councillor Tim Wills was forced to resign after HOPE not hate revealed he was a secret supporter of fascist group Patriotic Alternative.*

This work is only possible because of our supporters, including thousands of HOPE Action Fund members who make small, monthly donations to fund HOPE not hate.

Most members give £5 a month. If you’re not already, will you become a member of the HOPE Action Fund today?

I'll give £5 a month

I'll make a one-off donation instead

I hope that when you see this list you feel proud to be part of this community and hopeful about what we can achieve together in the future. I know I do.

Thank you for everything you do,


Nick Lowles
CEO, HOPE not hate

PS. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from everyone here at HOPE not hate! 

* You can read about these successes in more detail here