- 17 November - Hassan Joudi, Deputy Secretary General attended the Christian-Muslim Forum online Inter Faith week event entitled "Gender and Piety in Catholic and Islamic Traditions".
- 19 November - Deaf Muslims: What do we want others to know? Recovery Group (CRG) webinar, as they explore the lived experience of deaf Muslims | Social media
- MCB assisted the Consortium with their first ever ACE induction event for Technology, Engineering and Consultancy. The aim is to assist young Muslim graduates at the start of their career from an Islamic and career perspective.
- MCB spoke at a variety of events and media channels including a conference for Malaysian Islamic Medical Association and on Islam Channel flagship health show re: Omicron variant and countering misinformation.
- 24 November - Islamophobia Awareness Month debate, Westminster Hall @HouseofCommons
| Social media
- 30 November - MCB Centre for Media Monitoring Report Launch. The report gained attention from Media outlets like BBC News, BBC Media Show, guardian, independent, press gazette, Islam channel, Inspire FM, Middle East Eye, Byline Times, Novara media | Social Media
- CFMM delivered lectures on the misrepresentation of Muslims and Islam in the Media to journalism & communication students at Goldsmith university.
- CFMM along with Dr Peter Coe who is leading on redrafting the code for IMPRESS (Press Regulator) and was asked to feed into their review and guidance on discrimination.
- 03 December - Milestone is reached in preserving MCB's history with the deposit made in East London Mosque. Our gratitude to all the volunteers, archivists, well wishers who provided funding and @UkNatArchives
'Archives Revealed' programme for their invaluable support.

- 04 December - Hassan Joudi attended the 6th National Burial Council conference in Birmingham.| Social Media
- Cardiff University Muslim Community Survey https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/research/explore/find-a-project/view/understanding-british-imams
- 08 December - MCB Welcomes PM Boris Johnson's Statement & Reiterates Call for Full UK Diplomatic Boycott of Beijing Winter Olympics - 8th December 2021 #BoycottBeijingOlympics.
- Education Committee (MCB) has just reviewed Prayer Room Guidelines for secondary schools – awaiting publication
- MCB's Education Committee took part on a Roundtable discussion on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) on 27th October 2021 organised by Forward (a charity organisation).
- CFMM will be attending “Hate Crime and the Online Harms Bill” and the other on the “Future of Media Deals”.

SG Engagements
- Secretary General Zara Mohammed and Assistant Secretary General Dr Shahzad Amin visited Leicester Mosque and met with Muslim community representatives.
- SG, was invited roundtable hosted by Halima Aden about #hijab based bigotry, #Islamophobia experienced by many British #Muslim women. We talked about need for nuanced, diverse, intersectional, representation of Muslim women & our viral anti-racism campaign.
- SG, visited Madani Schools for a lunch meeting of current and future leaders.
- SG, Met with Saida Sherif, legendary aid worker, a woman that has given decades to serving others.
- The Secretary General met with YasminSurti
@FMO_Leics at the Women Leaders in Leicester event.
- SG, was invited to Book launch
in Harrow. Author Lukman Harees "Dying While Muslim" on the draconian policy of forced cremation in Sri Lanka based on institutional racism.
- Secretary General Zara Mohammed was delighted to be keynote address for launch of Lukman Harees book on forced cremations in Sri Lanka. She was given an Award to thank MCB's leadership in the campaign.
- SG, was a keynote of the day on How can we create long-term sustainability in our communities. @IngenuityImpact.

Understanding British Imams
Understanding British Imams is a three-year research project based at Cardiff
University’s Centre for the Study of Islam in the UK.

The MCB National Council Meeting (NC)
On Sat 18th December, the MCB National Council met to review the last quarter of work by Office Bearer's, Committees and also discuss key strategy and issues for the upcoming year.
Former SG Dr. Abdul Bari shared key insights on community activists and pioneering organisations that helped establish the MCB.
We also celebrated the winners of our OMOF conference and look forward to sharing celebration of MCB 25 years with everyone in 2022.

Save the Date – AGM on 29th January 2022
The Muslim Council of Britain’s 24th Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be taking place on Saturday 29th January 2022 insha Allah.

Community News
There's just under two weeks left to tell the #UKCommissionOnBereavement your grief story. To show your support click here
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The MCB exists to serve, uplift and advocate on behalf of Muslim communities. Your invaluable support could help us deliver a wide range of vital projects and campaigns. Click on the Button above to show your support.
A wholehearted welcome to our affiliates - welcome to the MCB Family:
- Islamic Network - London
- Convert Muslim Foundation - Leicester
- Quwwat-ul-Islam Society - London
- Muslim Research and Development Foundation - London
- Rochdale Dawah Centre - Rochdale
- Ummah Welfare Trust - Bolton
Executive Assistant
We are are seeking a diligent and talented Executive Assistant to provide support for the MCB Secretary General (SG) Office and wider MCB organisational and external relations support.
Closing Date: 5pm, Friday 31st, 2021. For details on how to apply click here
Is your organisation part of the MCB? Join today at: www.mcb.org.uk/join-mcb
Keep in touch!
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