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“I feel like I got a better understanding about the virus that's going on and how I could do something to help. I felt amazing."
 - Identity Youth Safety Ambassador 
Thanks in part to the hard work of Identity’s Youth Safety Ambassadors, Montgomery County now has one of the highest COVID-19 vaccination rates among Latinos in the US. And they couldn’t have done it without your support.  Now, they are working to help parents get their kids aged 5-11 vaccinated to slow the spread and prevent further disruptions to their lives and education. 

For the past year, Identity’s Safety Ambassadors have worked with the county’s Por Nuestra Salud y Bienestar initiative to help our Latino community trust and access testing, health information, vaccines, emergency assistance funds, and other safety-net services. This program is one of the many ways Identity community members are helping each other through the challenges of the pandemic. A donation to Identity will help them continue this lifesaving work.  

You can donate securely online, or mail a check to Identity, c/o Nonprofit Village, 15800 Crabbs Branch Way, Suite 300, Rockville, MD 20855. To make a tax-friendly gift of appreciated securities, contact Amy Thrasher.

Con gratitud,

Diego Uriburu
Executive Director
Every gift makes a difference
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