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November 5, 2019: Forty-five (45) years ago today, Ella Grasso was elected Governor of Connecticut. She was the first woman elected governor in her own right. Earlier female governors had been related to a previous male governor.[1]

That election in 1974 capped a 22-year career in politics where Grasso had served as a state legislator, secretary of state, and a member of Congress. Re-elected in 1978, Governor Grasso was diagnosed with ovarian cancer during her second term.[2]

She passed away in 1981 and posthumously received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Ronald Reagan.[2]

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Scott Rasmussen is an editor-at-large for Ballotpedia, the Encyclopedia of American Politics. He is a senior fellow for the study of self-governance at the King’s College in New York. His most recent book, Politics Has Failed: America Will Not, was published by the Sutherland Institute in August 2018.

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