Also: Fed survey shows strong loan demand; NAFCU flags risks of no national data security standard

The News You Need Daily

November 5, 2019

Student loans: Fair lending implications to consider
In a follow up to previous blogs on the scope of Regulation Z's student loans rule and advertising student loans, NAFCU Regulatory Compliance Specialist Alma Calcano covers potential fair lending implications of considering immigration status when evaluating student loan applications in a new NAFCU Compliance Blog post.

Fed survey reveals strong loan demand
The Federal Reserve Monday released its third-quarter senior loan officer opinion survey (SLOOS), which revealed "stronger loan demand, but tighter underwriting standards, particularly for subprime applicants," said NAFCU Chief Economist and Vice President of Research Curt Long.

NAFCU to Congress: Lack of national data standard creates risk
NAFCU's Brad Thaler reiterated the association's call for a national data security standard to Congress Monday, arguing that not having one in place "creates risk, as bad actors often target those companies who do not have high security standards."

2019 NAFCU Accomplishments
We are proud to serve over 51% of the industry's assets! Thanks for joining us in our journey of growth. See more of what we achieved together this year.

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Lending trends focus of today's conference agenda
How can credit unions prepare their lending portfolios for a potential economic recession? In which areas do top lending experts see the most opportunity? These are just a few of the questions attendees at NAFCU's sold-out Lending Conference will explore during today's sessions.

Hear Mastercard's CFO of North America Markets, Daniel Campos
He'll discuss innovation, partnership, and the CFO's role in a rapidly changing world. Learn about his talk at NAFCU's Credit Union CFO Summit, now!

Scare Away Fraud with Multi-Authentication Methods
Learn how your CU can validate the identity of anyone requesting sensitive information, account access, or financial transactions in this on demand webinar.


Lending Conference
Austin, TX
Recognizing & Responding to Elder Financial Abuse
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CECL Data Requirements for Lending Professionals
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