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Dear friend,
Christmas and the New Year are just around the corner. Despite the pandemic we’ve achieved so much together this year! 

Thank you for everything you’ve done. I have been constantly bowled over by your commitment, passion and determination. 

Thousands of supporters like you, have been campaigning non-stop in the name of debt justice. From bombarding the inboxes of the big banks to call for debt cancellation, to penning letters to the local press, to sticking it to the G7 with seaside confectionary, you’ve been demanding some big changes to challenge unjust debt in solidarity with communities across the global South. 

And that was only the first half of the year! 

For the first time Jubilee Debt Campaign activists took action at the global climate summit, COP26 in Glasgow, amplifying the demands from lower- income countries and raising the alarm about why debt cancellation is needed to achieve climate justice. Despite the disappointing outcome at COP26, your campaigning made a difference, debt was mentioned in the final text as a key issue for lower income countries. 
More recently, thousands of you showed your support for the people of Mozambique, who are still fighting for justice after a debt scandal sent 2 million people into poverty. 
We’ve had some important wins for people in the UK facing debt too.
With 14 million adults experiencing a fall in income in the pandemic, personal debts are growing in the UK. But so is our movement. 

Through taking action together for our #ResetTheDebt campaign we pushed the government to announce a new fund that can help with the massive build-up of rent arrears. It’s a drop in the ocean for the 8.5 million under pressure from debt, but it’s a start and shows we are making a difference.

Our ‘Together Against Debt’ groups are growing across the country, building the power of people affected by debt. Just a few weeks ago, our new group in Lambeth stood together against the council and won major changes to stop the build-up of unjust debts. 

Together we can continue to win big changes. And thanks to you, and supporters like you that have donated a total of £70,000 during the Big Give Christmas challenge, we can continue challenging debt-driven poverty and inequality both in our local communities and across the global South.

It is my first Christmas at Jubilee Debt Campaign, and I honestly couldn’t be more honoured to lead an organisation that punches above its weight and challenges head-on an economic system that prioritises the interests of wealthy governments and corporations at the expense of ordinary people.  

We are all facing another Christmas with great uncertainty and despite everything the pandemic throws at us we achieved so much together this year. Here's to you, this holiday season.  

We hope you and your loved ones stay well and safe over the holiday period. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Warmest wishes,
Heidi and the whole Jubilee Debt Campaign team

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