The climate crisis is here. We’ve seen its impacts across the world this year – severe December tornadoes, raging wildfires, record-breaking rain and flooding, deadly heat waves. If we don’t act soon and at the scale that this crisis demands, it’s going to get worse.
Maura took more than 200 actions against the Trump administration on the environment alone by the end of 2020, but she added a few more in early 2021 by blocking Trump’s last gasp attempts to roll back environmental protections. She wasn’t going to let Trump weaken President Biden’s efforts to fight climate change on his way out the door.
Just because Trump is now out of office, that doesn’t mean we still don’t have work to do. That’s why Maura has continued to demand federal action to address the climate crisis and advance environmental justice. She’s also made a difference right here in Massachusetts – creating an air monitoring program in Springfield and launching a new public information campaign about the potential health hazards associated with idling school buses.
But climate change is getting worse, and communities of color and low-income communities are bearing the brunt of the impact. We need to continue electing leaders who believe in science and aren’t afraid to take bold action. Will you make a contribution so that Maura can continue doing this work in the new year?


Thank you,
Team Healey

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Paid for by the Maura Healey Committee
PO Box 15 Boston MA 02137 United States