
Yesterday, Senator Joe Manchin went on Fox News and said that he will NOT vote for President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better plan. Please, Senator Manchin… you must do better for your impoverished state, this nation, and the Democratic Party.

And Senator, if you think you will lose reelection because you voted for this bill, then make that sacrifice. Consider it a small consequence for improved prosperity for those who need it.

Let’s be clear about what is in this bill:

  • Extending the child care tax credit – cutting child poverty in half;

  • The largest investment ever to combat the climate crisis;

  • Universal Pre-K for every American child and family;

  • Expanding Medicare to include hearing aids and finally allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices;

  • Providing paid family leave to bring the United States up to speed with every other developed country in the world;

  • And a raft of other programs that would benefit countless everyday families and farmers here in Iowa and across the country.

This bill is 100% paid for so stop with the "debt" objections. Billionaires and corporations have been avoiding paying taxes for decades. They can afford another few pennies on the dollar to make this investment in America’s families and workers.

And by every measure, Biden’s Build Back Better program will help slow inflation – not make it worse. As a three-star Admiral with experience in legislative affairs, strategy, military purchasing, and engagements overseas, I don’t remember hearing a peep about inflation or debt when you, Joe Manchin, voted for a $25 billion kicker to the defense budget just days ago. Not a peep.

I’m running for Senate against Chuck Grassley in Iowa because I am sick of Republicans acting like Trump’s lap dogs, and I am just as fed up with Democrats who are blocking us from doing anything to confront the climate crisis, take on Big Pharma, or rein in Wall Street.

Mitch McConnell and his Super PACs are going to spend millions attacking me, so I need you in this fight if we’re going to turn Iowa blue and expand our Senate majority with Democrats who will actually vote like Democrats.

Please, will you join my campaign today with a donation of $5, $25, or whatever you can afford to help me defeat Chuck Grassley and expand our Democratic Senate majority?

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I am grateful for your support.

Thank you,

Mike Franken, Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy (ret.)