Seventeen state school board associations are standing up for parents in their states and terminating
their affiliation with the National School Board Association (NSBA) after the organization sent a letter to Joe Biden's Department of Justice asking
it to treat parents concerned with mask mandates and Critical Race Theory in schools as "domestic terrorists."
States like Illinois, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and Virginia—none of which are your typical
deep red state—have already left the NSBA. Shockingly, the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) refuses to do the same! It is abhorrent that TASB would insist on being part of a national
organization that considers Texas parents to be "domestic terrorists." As one of the most conservative states in the nation, Texans are
right to be perplexed and frustrated with TASB, whose stated mission is to "promote educational excellence for Texas schoolchildren."
If that's really its mission, it's failing – big time.
The State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) of the Republican Party of Texas took action at their December meeting by passing a resolution calling for independent
school districts to "sever their ties with TASB in order to protect Texas children and the voices of parents" and unequivocally states that
it opposes "tax dollars being sent by local ISDs to TASB and NSBA, which both have promoted Critical Race Theory and have opposed Parental
Rights." Please support our efforts to make local school
boards stand up for parents and children by rejecting TASB and the liberal National School Board Association >> Donate Now! |
Parents across the state of Texas are taking it to the next level by attending local school board meetings, making their voices heard,
and demanding that local school districts cut ties with the Texas Association of School Boards. We need everyone to join forces to support students
and parents by demanding change. Will you join us in this fight? Saving America,
Texas Republicans |
Paid for and Authorized by the
Republican Party of Texas P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768 |