Make no mistake.
Critical race theory is here. If it’s not in your child’s school, there is a leftist push to get it there.
Unless we take action now, the radical Left will only continue to make our children feel as though they are inherently oppressed or inherently oppressors – based on their race. Divided, not united. Defined by skin color instead of finding their identity in being image bearers of God.
Do not let critical race theory take root in Georgia!
Only the Georgia legislature can pass such a ban and stop this direct attack on God’s Design.
Genesis 1:27 says – “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
The image of God is what defines humanity and gives us our worth and value.
The image of God makes us unique – not our race.
Stop the radical Left from dividing us. Donate HERE.
Act now to ban this Marxist ideology from our schools. Sincerely, ![]() Cole Muzio President Frontline Policy Action P.S. Your donation to the Frontline organizations will be matched dollar for dollar through the end of the year – up to $57,500. We are Georgia’s premier force for families, and we have a vision to be even bigger – truly transforming the playing field. Your generous support today makes that vision a reality. PAID FOR BY FRONTLINE POLICY |