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Levy Institute donors help combat the status quo in economic thought and policy by supporting research that both reveals the flaws in conventional economic models and policy approaches and develops practical alternatives that can guide policymakers. Our work challenges mainstream assumptions underlying the debate about inflation and monetary and fiscal policy, reveals the gaps in how we think about inequality and measure economic well-being, builds alternate measures of time, income, and consumption poverty, and promotes workable solutions to problems that have been ignored or assumed unsolvable.

This research is made possible by our donors. Make your tax-deductible gift before December 31, 2021 and help us promote alternative pathways for economic thought and public policy.

And if you are interested in helping to build the Levy Institute’s endowment, your contribution will now have double the impact: thanks to a challenge grant, current or estate-planned donations to Bard College that are designated for the Levy Economics Institute Endowment will be matched dollar-for-dollar. Please email me at [email protected] for more information on joining this endeavor.


Dimitri B. Papadimitriou, President

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