This month marks the ninth anniversary of the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. The Alliance was founded in the wake of that horrific tragedy and in the years since, we have sought to honor the victims with action and we have proven that change is possible.

2022 Legislative Agenda!

We have big plans for 2022 including restricting high-capacity magazines, prohibiting untraceable ghost guns, establishing accountability for the gun industry, expanding protections against armed intimidation; and investing in the Office of Firearm Safety and Violence Prevention.

Check it out! >

WA Gun Violence Fact Sheet

Everyday gun violence persisted during the pandemic. Washington saw record-breaking levels of gun violence in 2020 and initial data suggests that 2021 has been worse. We put together a fact sheet with current data about the gun violence crisis.

Get the facts. >

21 Things We're Celebrating

It’s been a really hard year, but it would have been so much harder without you by our side. Take a look at this list of 21 things we’re celebrating this year.

Happy Holidays!

We hope you are able to enjoy some time with loved ones during this special time of year. Please stay safe and be well from all of us at the Alliance. See you in 2022!


P.O. Box 4187
Seattle, WA 98194

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