Our end-of-year fundraising deadline is around the corner. Help us continue our critical work.

Ground Game Texas


Thanks to you, we’ve accomplished so much this year. We’ve put measures on the ballot to decriminalize marijuana, helped register THOUSANDS of voters, and have fought back against Gov. Greg Abbott and WON. 

But with our December 31st fundraising deadline just around the corner, we need your help now to make sure our work continues. Can you pitch in $25 or $30 today to help us reach our end-of-year fundraising deadline? Every donation counts.

Help us reach our end-of-year goal!

Just this week we launched a new campaign in the Rio Grande Valley that will help guarantee a $15/hour minimum wage for city employees and will boost turnout in this Democratic stronghold. We can’t win Texas without the RGV and we’re helping organize to win there. 

And last month we secured a ballot initiative in Austin to decriminalize marijuana. Through this campaign we helped register thousands of new voters and will mobilize them to support Democrats in the upcoming elections. 

But we need your support now to continue our work. Our end-of-year fundraising deadline is only days away. Can you pitch in what you can afford to help continue our work and flip the state of Texas?

Donate Now

YOU are helping deliver progressive change to Texas. Now is the time to redouble our efforts, register every voter possible, and mobilize them to flip the state of Texas with progressive change. 

Thank you for your advocacy,

Ground Game Texas