
The Radical Left is in full force, and I know they will continue to target me as long as I stand for our Conservative Values!

Have you seen some of the hate the Left has thrown at me? Despite claiming to be the party of tolerance and morality, the Left’s supporters use hate-filled language and vulgarity to target me on social media on top of the fake news using false narratives. You’d be hard-pressed to find any of my posts on social media where the responses are not filled with vulgar comments from Radical Leftists!

Unfortunately, this is nothing new. The Democrats have been doing all they can to smear my name for years now, and it’s time they were held accountable. I need as much support as possible to send the Left a message: grassroots American patriots are standing with those of us dedicated to standing up for America First values and taking the Left out of power!
If the Democrats want to target me for standing up for our values, I say to them: bring it on. I know under their watch, America has suffered from countless crises. They have mismanaged our nation from day one, and while I do all I can to take it back - I’m counting on you to pitch in and support me every step of the way!
For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne