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Religious and community organisations have been paid thousands of pounds by the Home Office to assist immigration enforcement teams in removing people from
the UK, in most cases rough sleepers.
A recent European Court of Human Rights case, in which the NSS successfully intervened, centred on the need for parents to submit a declaration to their
children to opt-out of RE in Greece.
Married Chinese Muslim women are regularly forced to share the same bed as male officials sent by government to monitor them when their husbands are being
indoctrinated in internment camps, it has been revealed.
Europe needs to do much more to protect its Jewish community, including stationing police outside every Jewish institution, according to the new head of the
working group on anti-Semitism in the European Parliament.
A man who tried to break into a Jewish school in southern France while shouting insults about Jews was prevented from entering by the guard and arrested
after fleeing the scene.
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