Dear John,
2021 wasn’t quite what we expected it to be, was it?
We’re still in a worldwide pandemic. Our nation is still divided over the results of a presidential election. The LGBTQ+ community is still reeling from an incredibly tough legislative session that saw the most anti-transgender bills ever. Despite these setbacks, 2021 wasn’t all bad.
As we get ready to say goodbye to another year, we want to remind you of 5 LGBTQ+ milestones we’re celebrating from 2021:
- Over 921 pro-LGBTQ+ bills were filed across the country and 121 were enacted thanks to the hard work of state and local advocates!
- The Equality Act passed the U.S. House of Representatives and received its first Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
- More and more states are making progress in HIV decriminalization efforts: Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, Nevada, and Virginia all took legislative steps to improve HIV laws this year.
- Our state partners defeated the vast majority of anti-LGBTQ+ bills: Of the 405 anti-LGBTQ+ bills filed, only 28 were enacted.
- Equality Federation welcomed Fran Hutchins as our new executive director, hired 5 new team members, and provided more support to state partners than ever before!
Donate $5 today to help celebrate these milestones!

I am incredibly proud of all we’ve accomplished this year and can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together in 2022.

Ian Palmquist
Deputy Director
Equality Federation