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Friend --
I hope the end of the year and the holiday season offers you and
your loved ones an opportunity to rest. A lot of news is coming at us
all so fast. No matter how you spend your day, simply going through
each day can take a lot from all of us. As much as I wish it weren't
true, the pandemic is as serious as it's ever been, we're struggling
with a number of challenges. And yet, each day I find more and more
reasons to love calling Ward 6 home. There is a LOT of timely
information below so let's jump into some updates -- it's been a true
sprint to the end of the year, and I've got a lot to catch you up on.
But don't miss some great ways to enjoy the holidays in Ward 6 at the
Quick Links: New Ward 6 Map | New COVID-19 Updates | Some Good
News | Public
Safety | Holding Jan 6 Accountable | Watkins | Leaf Collection | Groceries | Holidays in Ward
6 | Brickies Recap
Council Passes Re-Districting Map in First of Two Votes
Two weeks ago, the Council took its first vote on the newly
drawn-ward boundaries, passing the map that will likely be our new
ward boundaries until the next census. It will come up for a second
and final vote this week.
I don't like it at all, but I understand the reality -
redistricting legally requires that ward lines must be redrawn to
balance out the number of residents in each ward. And Ward 6 has to
lose around 20,000 residents into surrounding wards. To put this in
perspective, this is the largest single shift of a Ward population in
the history of the District of Columbia. Never before has a Ward had
to change so dramatically and there is no way to do this easily.
That said, there was never going to be a map that I liked. Over my
two terms representing Ward 6 on the Council, I've built relationships
with neighbors in every neighborhood to build schools and modernize
rec centers, install parks, improve safety, and more. And trust me,
those relationships won't end with this new map. My hope is every
neighborhood that moves into Ward 2, 7, or 8 from Ward 6 will now have
two members working to solve problems. I
shared some longer thoughts during the meeting you can watch here.
And because I have been asked this the most, I want to make sure I
state again that your Zone 6 RPP parking will not change even if your
Ward boundary does - we had that written into the law so that parking
remains untouched and better reflects the parking needs you have. More
on redistricting from the Post.
COVID-19 Updates: Take the Threat of Omicron Seriously; Mayor's
Updates Announced Today
Cases are spiking this week in a concerning way - last week, DC set
its single day record for COVID-19 cases, and then broke that record
the very next day! Make no mistake - we don't yet have a clear
understanding about the newest variant, Omicron, but early data
suggests we should be taking this very seriously - certainly
that's the call from the World Health Organization. Even if
individual risk ultimately isn't very different from Delta, the same
challenges are going to apply to people who cannot get vaccinated,
aren't vaccinated yet, and those whose immune systems can't fight as
well even with a vaccine. I
found this assessment in The Atlantic (might have a paywall)
timely. I just want to really emphasize that while we may not know
enough about how this virus impacts different age groups and different
folks with compromised immune systems, the news and rapid community
spread is alarming. Get boosted if you haven't already. Get vaccinated
if you haven't already. Wear a mask to protect yourself and others.
Exercise caution this holiday season. Getting vaccinated and boosted
is crucial to protecting yourself, your loved ones, and ensuring we
don't have a wave of hospitalizations.
The Mayor made several announcements today. Here are the critical
The indoor mask mandate is reinstated through January
31. I'm glad to see this and have been recommending this
- The Department of Health will partner with schools to make
their stock of rapid antigen tests available for students and
educators. I called for this last week and this will be
crucial for students returning after the
Schools will now be closed on January 3 and 4 to allow
families and staff to pick-up antigen rapid tests, which will
be available for pick-up at schools. Look for more details shortly
from your school.
Nine new walk-up take home up test sites
announced: I'm glad to see a significant expansion of testing
sites, including two new locations in Ward 6 to pick-up and drop-off
home PCR tests beginning today, December 20 at both Southeast Library
and Northeast Library (adding to Southwest and Rosedale). Again, I've
been recommending this step. The demand for testing is far outpacing
the supply and we're seeing people standing in lines for hours. Just a
heads up, during the Mayor's press conference, I wanted to see for
myself how Northeast Library looked. They had not received tests yet,
which I've flagged for DC Health leadership.
New, free, at-home, rapid tests for DC residents: The
Mayor also announced eight sites that will distribute 1,000 DC Health
rapid tests a day. Each kit contains two tests. The obvious hole in
their plan? The only site in Ward 6 is in Shaw, which is a pretty far
distance to travel for most of Ward 6. I've already asked that DC
Health add a site more central to most residents who are in Ward 6 and
will keep you updated.
Reporting over-the-counter test results: if you've
tested using an over the counter rapid test, you need to report it
yourself since the results aren't processed by a lab. It takes two
minutes to upload your results by visiting coronavirus.dc.gov/overthecounter
Facing this massive surge, we need to normalize these behaviors in
each household to understand we're all pulling in the same direction.
Handling this latest variant will require a combination of mitigation
(masks, physical distancing, contact tracing), surveillance (testing
on-demand and random testing in schools and crowded indoor settings),
and protection (vaccines).

If you or a child or family members aren't vaccinated, or if you
need a booster, here
are 14 locations that offer either appointments or walk-ins within a
mile of Ward 6. As a reminder, vaccines are free for all residents
with or without insurance.
Don't believe if anyone who tells you the vaccines aren't working
-- just look at this chart at the difference in cases between people
who are vaccinated fully and those who are not. Vaccines are saving
And bookmark
this page to keep an eye on daily vaccination clinics and
locations operated by DC Health.
Council Passes Vaccine Mandate for Students:
First, the Council has passed a law requiring COVID-19 vaccines for
students, starting with students ages 16 and 17. The requirement will
only be for vaccines that have been approved for children by the FDA,
which right now is only the Pfizer for 16 and 17 year-olds (vaccines
on emergency approval cannot be mandatory). Learn
more in DCist ahead of a second vote tomorrow.
Get Boosted! Or Vaccinated for the First Time!
DC's full vaccination rate is around 66% of the population (including
children of all ages - eligible or not) and our partial or full
vaccination rate is 84.1% - full
data here. Only around 30% of folks have received their booster.
The best way to protect against serious effects of the virus is to get
vaccinated and
boosted when you are eligible. You can find sites
offering appointments here and check DC
Health's sites here.
Here's guidance on boosters, as provided by Vaccines.gov. You
are eligible if:
- You received a second Pfizer or Moderna shot more than 6
months ago and are age 18+ years
- You received a Johnson & Johnson shot more than 2 months
- You are moderately or severely immunocompromised—find out more
about getting an additional
You can choose the kind of booster you prefer regardless of
what you got in the past. Visit CDC for more
information about boosters.
Changes in COVID-19 Testing Coming for Early
Childhood: After several months of pushing, I'm glad to share
that OSSE has agreed to change from a saliva sample for random testing
at the District's early childhood education centers. As a parent to a
five-year-old, I know it's nearly impossible to get a good saliva
sample from children that young. Beginning in January, expect to see
new testing formats being announced that I hope will make testing much
more feasible. As we wrestle with a new variant and try to ensure
childcare and early education sites can remain open, we absolutely
need to have a reliable way to surveil the virus' spread. More
from WTOP.
Quick Action from DC Fire and EMS and Ward 6 Neighbors
Saves a Life
Folks, we need some good news today and here's one
to celebrate. A lot of the bad news gets the bulk of coverage, but
sometimes we need to seek out and celebrate the good. A great example
of that is a ceremony I joined last week. On October 27, a Ward 6
neighbor went for a morning jog around the Capitol building and had a
sudden medical emergency. She was in distress. Soon though, other Ward
6 neighbors out for a morning jog found a stranger and jumped into
action. They quickly alerted US Capitol Police and those officers did
heroic and quick work that saved her life. They then handed off to DC
FEMS to provide more medical attention and got to her quickly. In a
heart attack, minutes matter and on that October morning a community
came together to save a few minutes and saved a life. It was a honor
to see these neighbors reunited under better circumstances and to
personally thank the fast action and life saving steps taken by US
Capitol Police officers and DC Fire and EMS members.
Public Safety Update
This has been a tough week for violence in our neighborhoods. Last
week, there was a terrifying shooting along K St, NE and then several
hours later another spate of gunshots on the same block. While no one
was struck in these shootings, it is traumatizing for thousands of
people in the immediate area, not to mention the immediate neighbors
whose homes or workplaces were hit. And yesterday, as a father took
his children out for a walk near the MPD substation, a horrific and
unprovoked attack left him and his child injured. Whether its gun
violence or a senseless attack, this is unacceptable any day and in
any neighborhood. I'm grateful for MPD's quick response in each of
these instances - being on scene within seconds and making an arrest
of the attacker of the father and child. But violence -- especially as
folks are running errands, taking walks, letting kids play before
bedtime -- robs residents of the peace and security we all deserve in
our homes and our neighborhoods.
In regard to the K Street NE shooting, MPD had a cruiser just down
the street and responded within 20 seconds. I've spoken with Commander
McLean about the incident, what they know, and where the investigation
is headed. I can't share all of the details of their investigation,
but I can share this was a shooting targeting a specific home, putting
them and surrounding neighbors in direct harm. And MPD is
investigating this as a very high priority. I met with several
neighbors in the immediate neighborhood and connected with others, but
if you'd like to reach out to me (in this neighborhood or elsewhere),
please email me at [email protected].
In regard to the weekend attack on the sidewalk, thanks to the help
of neighbors and eye witnesses, and the quick work of MPD officers, an
arrest was made. I've been asked by a few neighbors if the suspect is
the same as from another violent act near Eastern Market a few weeks
ago. In that case, an arrest has been made, felony charges have
been brought, and the Courts decided to hold that individual pending
trial. The person arrested yesterday is being held currently and
I will encourage the Courts do same as before as well. I also reached
out to the Department of Behavioral Health this weekend because I want
to know what more they can do. In each of these attacks, the suspect
is being described as having mental health needs. We've given DBH more
resources and staff to do more aggressive community-based outreach and
I want to know what more they can be doing. MPD has done a very good
job of moving quickly to make arrests, but the city has to move more
to prevent this and get people in crises off the street. It takes more
than just DBH, but they are an important player needed to make

I wish there was going to be a simple solution, but it will take a
sustained, citywide effort to address the reasons people choose to
carry and use a firearm and commit violence, particularly when
considering how the pandemic has upended people's lives. Still, I've
worked to fully fund a broader public safety response that is nimbler
and more responsive to what we know works to stop the small group of
people who become violent offenders.
wrote last newsletter about the District's challenge with illegal
firearms. Last week, we convened a long work session including
myself, MPD Chief Contee, United States Attorney's Office, Office of
the Attorney General, Superior Court, Department of Corrections,
Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice, Office of Neighborhood
Safety and Engagement, DC's Gun Violence Prevention Director, and
more. In our work, we focused on the shared strategies needed to turn
the tide of violence. We see increases all over the region and the
country, but we're focused on solutions here at home - with focused
deterrence of those committing or at-risk of harm, intervening in
cycles of violence that lead to more violence, and taking the
'both/and' approach I've talked about before to both hold those that
create harm accountable, and also working upstream to stop and prevent
the conditions that led to the harm being caused in the first
It's a focus on how prevention and intervention can complement the
work of law enforcement. In the budget that just took effect this
fall, there are significant investments in violence prevention,
intervention, and accountability.
Preventive work can complements the work of MPD, which is to hold
bad actors accountable. Another way to think about this: what are the
jobs we ask police officers to do that they are well-suited to?
Investigating crimes, tracking down leads, documenting evidence, and
ultimately making an arrest. But who should we turn to when we think
about crime prevention? Certainly the presence of law enforcement can
sometimes be a deterrent, but we also know it makes other people feel
less safe and more wary. Historically, aggressive police efforts to
prevent crime have eroded trust in some of the communities where crime
is most damaging. And the lack of accountability when policing
violates a neighbors' rights creates further distrust, as
highlighted in this serious and detailed report by WAMU, DCist, and
Reveal. We should be clear-eyed about how that legacy actively
hurts our efforts to solve crimes and prevent new ones.
When it comes to preventing new incidents, this is where a
different skillset can be helpful. As credible messengers who are
often from the neighborhood and don't have the ability to arrest you
or use force, they work to build relationships and communicate in a
way that people who are at-risk of violence can understand. It can
still be dangerous work, but it can be very effective immediately and
over time in communities that historically have lower levels of trust
with law enforcement. We deploy our violence interrupters by following
the data, and listening to the community.
It is impossible to see the many people working hard to make our
neighborhoods safer. And when you are the victim of, or even just near
to, violent crime, your sense of security is shattered and you just
want to see the situation improve. I know that as both a victim of gun
violence myself and as your neighbor raising my kids right here with
you. And I take seriously that you and your family both are safe
and feel safe in your community - and am focused on solutions
that will be both immediate and lasting.
Public Safety Walk with Northeast Neighbors:
Last Tuesday evening, I joined residents near 10th and D
Sts, NE for a community public safety walk with MPD, ANC leaders, and
representatives from the Mayor's team. We focused on recent incidents
and steps we can take to improve accountability for those who have
done harm and ensure our neighborhoods are safe to enjoy. Thanks to
Captain Savoy, 1D officers, ANC Commissioners Soderman, Dooling, Gove,
and Gentile, and many neighbors joining us.
Suspected Arson Involving Leaves in Hill
East: I've heard multiple reports (and seen video captured by
neighbors) of fires being set using piles of leaves in parts of Hill
East. This is scary stuff -- earlier this week, a fire spread from
leaves to inflaming two cars in the middle of the night. Thankfully no
one was injured. Neighbors have told me other incidents have happened
as well. DC Fire and EMS's Arson unit is working the case, as well as
MPD. And of course, we needed to get those leaves collected in a first
pass, which I believe has been done on most blocks. Feel free to reach
out to me as well if you have details to share:
[email protected]
Online Sales Safe Exchange Sites: This
holiday season, just a quick reminder you can use MPD District
Stations as a safe place to complete an online sale with another
person safely. That includes the First District Station at 101 M St.,
SW in Ward 6. While
this tweet is a year old, it's still good information.
Ward 6 Incident Updates: Sharing a few updates as
announced by MPD. As a reminder, an arrest does not equate guilt nor
justice. I share these updates because residents don't often hear
about next steps for crimes that take place in your neighborhood if
you aren't directly involved and that can feel both frustrating and
DC is Holding the Organizers of January 6 Accountable
I was proud to join Attorney General Karl Racine on
Tuesday as he announced a civil lawsuit to hold the organizers and
participants in the January 6 insurrection accountable for the harm
and damage they did to DC residents, our Metropolitan Police
Department Officers who answered the call when the President of the
United States did not activate the National Guard, and to our
neighbors who work in the Capitol or surrounding area. That day has
had a lasting effect on the people of the District of Columbia. And
those who organized, coordinated, and participated in it must be held
accountable. Read
more in the City Paper.
Note on Watkins Elementary
Late Sunday, news
broke that a librarian at Watkins Elementary School forced
students to recreate scenes from the Holocaust. I am appalled and
angry. This employee had students pretend to dig mass graves, pretend
to play Adolf Hitler, pretend a death by suicide, and much more
disturbing behavior and anti-Semitic actions. This hate has no home
here. Last night, I asked the Chancellor for urgent action to ensure
there is an immediate plan to support the students and families at
Watkins Elementary and repair the harm that has been done. That work
can't wait until after the winter break and must include the entire
Watkins community. In addition, I have made specific inquiries about
the background and vetting process that was taken with this hire and
what they knew. While many of those details will likely remain
confidential as personnel actions, the community needs answers. I've
been in touch with the PTA over the weekend and have also begun
conversations with the Hill Havurah, Jewish Community Relations
Council, Jewish Social Services, and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
about how best the school community and students can the resources
they need.
Leaf Collection Update
You've certainly noticed that DPW's scheduled first
round of leaf collection dates have come and gone...more than a month
ago. This was an issue I had been communicating with DPW's director on
going back a few weeks, and escalated it after someone started
lighting fires in northeast. And while delayed leaf collection is an
annual problem, this year has been especially bad. I'm happy to share
that DPW has made up a ton of ground on the first collection, with all
streets completed. I've heard from a few residents about specific
street issues that still haven't been collected and were still marked
as such. Reply to this email if that's your block and I'll what I can
do. But keep in mind this only the first of two collections.
The map to the right shows the boundaries for each area,
which does not correspond with ANC. This obviously shifts the second
collection, which I've been advised will be as follows:
The updated timing for the second pass for leaf collection
will be communicated to all Councilmembers, ANC’s, and community
liaisons. Below outlines the updated timing.
- For the second pass at leaf collection residents in sections A
of their respective wards should rake their leaves out Sunday,
December 19.
For the second pass at leaf collection residents in sections
B of their respective wards should rake their leaves out Sunday,
December 26.
Free Groceries to Anyone Who Needs Them on Sundays
Just a heads up from a Ward 6 neighbor -- there are free
groceries being given to anyone who needs them every Sunday at RFK
starting at around 8 am until 1 or 2 pm. This is apparently through
USDA's grants to get food to more families.
Holidays in Ward 6!
I just want to quickly drop in some ways to enjoy official
holiday activities next week and into the new year around Ward
Our Second Brickies was a Testament to Community
I want to close with a huge thank you to all the
Ward 6 neighbors who joined me for our second virtual Brickie awards.
Obviously I would prefer we were able to get back to spending an
evening together and celebrating some of the work of our neighbors
in-person. But I do think we made the best of it and still had a
wonderful evening. I want to congratulate our five honorees this year,
and if you'd like to watch their portions of the 2021 Brickies, here
is the link and I'll provide the timestamp below for each:
Community Organization Award: Capitol Hill
Village (13:09)
Public Service Award: Monica Williams, Mary Scott,
and Kendra Ambrose | DC Traffic Control Officers assigned to Tyler
Elementary School and Digital Pioneers PCS (23:09)
Civic Pride Award: Eastern Market Metro Park
Neighbor Award: Wendy Hammond (45:51)
Business Award: Shop Made in DC (59:07)
If we don't talk sooner, enjoy the holidays and end of year. I look
forward to seeing you around the neighborhood soon,
Charles Allen
