Vulture Conservation Foundation news bulletin
November 2021

Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2021 and Final LIFE GypConnect Seminar

Around 150 Bearded Vulture conservationists, researchers and enthusiasts participated in the Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2021 and the Final LIFE GypConnect Seminar. For those who did not manage to attend, we have published summaries highlighting the key insights from each presentation on our website:

We are already looking forward to next year's meeting! The provisional dates are set for 11 to 13 November 2022 at Parco Natura Viva in Italy.

Bearded Vultures started laying clutches
On 28 November 2021, a productive Bearded Vulture pair in Austria laid the first egg of the 2021/22 captive breeding season. Since then, several other pairs within our pan-European Bearded Vulture Captive Breeding Network have now followed suit. 
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Latest news from our
vulture conservation projects

The BalkanDetox LIFE project, led by us at the Vulture Conservation Foundation, aims to strengthen national capacities to fight wildlife poisoning and raise awareness about the problem across seven Balkan countries.

Latest news
Progress review: The first year of BalkanDetox LIFE

Tagging and releasing rescued Griffon Vultures in Croatia

LIFE Safe for Vultures, led by the University of Sassari, is a new project acting as the first step to the restoration of the vulture guild in Sardinia. 

Latest news
The efforts against wildlife poisoning in Sardinia expand to the whole island

Vultures Back to LIFE led by Green Balkans and the Fund for Wild Flora and Fauna, aims to reintroduce the Cinereous Vulture back to Bulgaria since it was declared extinct in the 1980s. 

Latest news
Discovery of yet another new Cinereous Vulture nest in Bulgaria

Reintroduced Cinereous Vulture Kutelka performs impressive travels and finds a partner

Recent movements of released captive-bred Bearded Vultures in Maestrazgo
The captive-bred Bearded Vultures released in Maestrazgo as part of our latest reintroduction project are doing well. According to their GPS movements, one bird from 2018 and two from 2019 have returned to Maestrazgo, while the two birds released this year started to explore the surroundings.
See their movements
We here at the VCF follow the movements of several vultures as part of different projects. You can track the movements of all the European vulture species we tagged within our different projects and regions by visiting our online public maps

Bearded Vulture online maps
Cinereous Vulture online maps
Egyptian Vulture online maps
Griffon Vulture online maps
Watch our latest video
Photo credits: Hansruedi Weyrich, Richard Faust Bearded Vulture Specialised Captive Breeding Centre in Austria, Alvaro Camiña and Vulture Conservation Foundation.
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If you have any news you would like to share, please contact Eleni Karatzia, Events, Outreach and Communications Officer.  
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