John, the next few months will determine what our democracy looks like for the next decade. And quite frankly, how much of an effort you and I make could very well impact that future.
You see, we are well into the 2021 redistricting cycle -- which means that all 50 states are finalizing new legislative and congressional districts for the 2022 elections and beyond.
Frighteningly… without the bold, nationwide action that Common Cause members like you and me are demanding, there’s a serious risk that the voting maps drawn by partisan politicians will lock in a decade of unfair, inequitable representation in government.
You’ve probably heard stories of communities chopped into jigsaw-like pieces by district lines -- leaving them without an elected representative who will advocate for them in the way they deserve. Instead, they get taken for granted by politicians who have drawn themselves into “safe” districts and can simply ignore their constituents.
To make matters worse, these sinister anti-democracy plots are often designed to silence Black and brown communities that have historically been denied a voice in government.
AND… I regret to inform you, John -- it’s about to get a lot worse if we don’t fight back.
You see, ever since the Supreme Court refused to rein in extreme partisan gerrymandering in our Rucho v. Common Cause lawsuit in 2019, some politicians have been eager to see just how far they can go to silence voters and rig district maps this year using the new census data.
If we don’t stop them, they’ll be free to draw heinously unrepresentative maps. These new district maps will be used in next year’s midterm elections and will lock in an unfair advantage UNTIL THE YEAR 2030!
You and I both know who will lose out: communities of color and the poor across the country -- who will be denied fair representation and the resources needed to survive and thrive.
That’s why I wanted to give you early notice of Common Cause’s official Fair Maps 2022 Action Plan -- a massive mobilization of We the People to guarantee equitable representation for every American.
STEP 1… over the past few months, we have recruited and trained thousands of individual Common Cause members like you, especially among those traditionally denied a voice in government, to serve as Community Advocates for fair maps.
STEP 2… those Community Advocates have been jumping into state and local redistricting procedures, attending hearings, giving testimony, meeting with mapmakers -- and doing whatever it takes to make sure they, and every other American, have their voices heard.
STEP 3… our watchdogs are closely scrutinizing new maps the moment they’re released. This will ensure we’re ready to file whatever lawsuits are necessary (like we already have in Texas and North Carolina [1]) to OVERTURN deviously gerrymandered maps and uphold our fundamental right to a meaningful say in the decisions that affect our future.
John, all of this must occur in just a few short months. At the very same moment, we are mounting a massive nationwide campaign to BAN gerrymandering with federal legislation.
And in the states... even as our on-the-ground teams are on the front lines fighting the pernicious effects of voter suppression laws in states like Florida, Texas, and Georgia, they must now -- on top of everything else -- double down on our efforts to prevent those extremist state legislatures from drawing districts that silence voters even further.
Simply put -- fighting this once-in-a-decade battle against dishonest and discriminatory gerrymandering will require a major infusion of resources, and I am writing to you in hopes that you can step up to help provide it.
Your contribution of $3 or more to help fund the Fair Maps 2022 Action Plan will ensure our state leaders on the ground have the support necessary to see this campaign through.
I believe, as I’m sure you do too, that every single person who lives in this country -- no matter who they are, what they look like, or where they live -- should have a voice in our democracy.
That’s why I’m deeply disturbed to see some partisan politicians attempting to deny us that right. But make no mistake -- I’m encouraged we can prevail because I know we can count on you.
With your immediate and generous help we can -- together -- repel this assault on democracy and fight for fair representation for all of us.
Thanks for standing up for democracy at this critical moment.
Suzanne Almeida, Redistricting and Representation Counsel
and the team at Common Cause