This Week in Atlanta DSA!

🧦 Donate to our Winter Clothing Drive 🧣

Eat Drink and Be Marxist

We’re collecting winter coats and other items to distribute downtown to support unhoused Atlantans. Items needed include: Jackets, Coats, Blankets, Socks, Shoes, PPE (Masks, Hand Sanitizer, Gloves), Hygiene Products (Soap, Tampons, Sanitary Napkins, Toothpaste, Tooth Brushes, Deodorant, Wipes, etc.)

To coordinate your donation, please contact 404-207-7036 or email [email protected].


📚 Marxism and Politics Reading Group 📚

Atlanta DSA Marxism and Politics Reading Group

Atlanta DSA's Marxism & Politics Reading Group plans to explore a range of topics in Marxist theory. Sessions will focus on big picture ideas, unpacking fundamental concepts of historical, political, and economic analysis. Let us know if you want to join!


Further reading 📖

For socialist analysis of recent events, check out…


Looking for more?

Our chapter calendar at has even more meetings and events!