In 2021, governments blew hot on 1.5C goal, colder on climate action

Support for the goal to keep global warming to 1.5C has won fresh political backing in 2021 - but it remains out of reach

Online content moderation: Can AI help clean up social media?

From Facebook to Twitter, machine learning algorithms are policing online content to decide what's banned and what's not. But how do they work? And are they effective?

New climate classes seek to teach Indian students green habits

As Maharashtra suffers more extreme weather, officials plan to launch the first school curriculum in an Indian state on climate change impacts and cutting carbon

Philippine death toll from Typhoon Rai climbs to 208 -police

There are 52 people who are still missing, as relief efforts continue following one of the deadliest typhoons to have struck the Southeast Asian country


OPINION: To cut climate risks and keep 1.5 alive, wetlands are key

Better wetland protection could play a huge role in addressing both the climate and nature crises, and curbing disaster risk

OPINION: 2021 - the year of rhetoric, not action, for climate

The rhetoric we hear in 2021 is consistent with the goal to keep global warming to 1.5C - but the pledges are not. The 1.5C target is now harder to reach than ever before

OPINION: Stories of Indian migrants in the Arab Gulf

Documented or undocumented, till this Kafala is removed in this region, migrants will be slaves.

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