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Monday, December 20th, 2021


Time To Burn Anti-Vax Doctors At The Stake? Take Note Dr. Fauci, Science Says No When Truth Is Presented As Disinformation

Bill Sardi

The Gift that Keeps on Giving: Chartres

Ira Katz

Stunning Covid Data From Denmark

Alex Berenson

Finding Strength Along a Post-Covid Fury Road

Tom Luongo

Vaccines Are Very Good… For the Drug Companies

Steve Kirsch

How the West Eats Its Children

Thierry Meyssan

Reconstruction Truth

Helen Andrews

Archbishop Viganò’s Christmas 2021 Message

Red Pill Expo 2021: Celebrating G. Edward Griffin’s 90th Birthday

Ginny Garner

Decarbonization Cannot Manufacture the Products Demanded by Civilization

Ronald Stein

The Virus Speaks: An Exclusive Interview

Jon Rappoport

What the VAERS Data Tell Us About Covid Jab Safety

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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