
Last year when Beto O’Rourke proclaimed from the presidential stage that “Hell yes” he was coming for our guns, I fought back. Now, Beto wants to be Governor of Texas.

I’m a single mom of two. I’ve had death threats and threats of rape. When those happened, I took action, became a gun owner, and earned a concealed carry license because there was no way I was going to be defenseless in the face of threats to me and my kids.

Make no mistake, Beto and the gun-grabbing mafia won’t stop by taking away what they claim are “assault rifles” - their mission is to leave you, me, and our families entirely disarmed.

And I WILL NEVER let that happen!

More Californians and New Yorkers are moving to Texas than ever before, and if we don’t take a stand, Far-Left Democrats from these states could win the vote and turn our state blue! Texas will be protected with help from Republicans across the country taking a stand!

Beto already used his gun grabbing agenda at a national level and failed. Now he wants to bring his failed anti-gun policies back home to Texas! We deserve better than Beto taking away the right to self-defense that has helped protect this single Mom - will you sign on today and stand with me for our Second Amendment?
For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne