Tell Muni we need better signs at bus stops and platforms!

Tired of seeing shelters that look like this, or worse?

Outside space is wasted, showing little to no useful information. Tell SFMTA that displaying realtime information on the outside of shelters, and improving the rider's experience, is important to you.

Muni needs to be as easy to use as possible. We shouldn't have to walk all the way up to the shelter and look inside before finding out it's another 20 minutes until the bus arrives. 

Two-sided signs would display out to the sidewalk and streets, as well as to people in the shelter. Muni would be easier for everyone to use, especially people with mobility challenges. It would be informative to people who don't normally ride, advertising an affordable, accessible way to get around the city.

A contract for new digital signage will be awarded soon, and SFMTA intends to purchase signs that would replace the current ones - displaying only inside bus shelters. This is our chance to upgrade to two-sided signs. Not purchasing decent signage now would be a missed opportunity.

Our current best estimate is that better signs could cost an additional $3-4 million over the course of the 15 year contract. We think riders and their experience are worth the investment. But SFMTA is not yet convinced, and without your help, we could miss this opportunity.

Speak up now for more visible realtime information, to let Muni know how important the rider experience is to you!


Support Muni funding!

For every improvement we want, we need to make sure SFMTA has funding to implement it. Prop D doesn't solve everything, but it is a crucial step forward in taxing private vehicles to support public transportation. Yes on D!

San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 

[email protected]
