Weekly Round-Up

Quincy news highlights

December 19, 2021


With Afghanistan War Commission, a Chance for Accountability At Last 
By Andrew Bacevich, President
The Boston Globe, 12/17/21

The troops who served and sacrificed in Afghanistan are owed a full accounting of our twenty year, $2 billion failed war effort.


Biden Efforts to Appease Israeli Leadership Fail

Interview with Trita Parsi, Executive Vice President
Hill TV/Rising, 12/13/21

On the Iran deal, President Biden must decide if he plans to prioritize America’s interests or Israel’s. 


A Better Way in the Middle East
By Trita Parsi, Executive Vice President
The American Prospect, 12/15/21

Drawing down our military presence in the Middle East has created a promising path for regional diplomacy and stability.


Should the U.S. Seek to Contain China?

Discussion featuring John Mearsheimer and David Kang, Non-Resident Fellows, and moderated by Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Editorial Director
Quincy Institute and the Institute for Peace & Diplomacy, 12/16/21

As tensions mount between the U.S. and China, two QI experts debate whether the U.S. should pursue a “strategy of containment.”


Hang Up the Magical Thinking and Try Strategic Empathy on for Size
By Katrina vanden Heuvel, Board Member, and James Carden
Responsible Statecraft, 12/17/21

U.S leaders must put aside their bluster and examine how exactly we got to this point with Russia.



Threatening War with Iran Won’t Save the Nuclear Deal by Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Responsible Statecraft, 12/17/21
A Lotta Nerve: UAE Threatens to Back Out of F-35 Deal by Editorial Director Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Responsible Statecraft, 12/17/21

Two Former CIA Directors Call on Biden to Threaten Iran Militarily by Jeremy Scahill/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, The Intercept, 12/17/21
Time to Mind the ‘Credibility’ Trap by Anatol Lieven, Senior Research Fellow, Responsible Statecraft, 12/16/21
The U.S. Should Stop Coddling Abuser Allies, a Letter to the Editor by Director of Studies Sarang Shidore, Washington Post, 12/15/21
WEBCAST: The Future of Counterterrorism: Start By Defining the Threat, a panel featuring Non-Resident Fellow Paul Pillar, Jytte Klausen, and Jacqueline Hazelton, moderated by Senior Research Analyst Steven Simon, Quincy Institute, 12/15/21
Why Bombing Iran Is (Still) a Bad Idea by Research Fellow Annelle Sheline and Bruce Riedel, Responsible Statecraft, 12/14/21
Houthi Hysteria Breaks Out At the Wall Street Journal by Contributing Editor Jim Lobe, Responsible Statecraft, 12/13/21
Biden’s Efforts to Appease Israel On Iran Have Failed On All Fronts by Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Responsible Statecraft, 12/12/21


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