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Eagle Forum
December 2021
Thanks to YOUR Help, Eagle Forum Protects Girls and Strengthens U.S. Military
Dear Friends:
This year Congress came dangerously close to changing the very fabric of our society by including language in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would have required women to register for selective service. In other words, the liberal-led Congress tried to draft our daughters!
But Eagle Forum would not let that happen!
Eagle Forum worked tirelessly to keep pressure on legislators both on Capitol Hill, and in their home states and districts. As legislators gave excuses and empty promises but the language remained in the bill drafts, we kept the pressure up. 
Eagle Forum is one of the only national organizations that has been on the frontline of this vital battle for decades. We fight daily to protect Americans’ freedom by maintaining a strong national defense and sound fiscal policy.  But what sets us apart from many of our allies is that we understand that in order to truly keep America strong, we must keep America’s families strong
Subjecting women to selective service harms and insults women by removing their choice to serve in the military or not, and by ignoring the vital role that women have historically played during wartime in vital non-combat roles within the military and, of equal importance, holding down the homefront, raising children, caring for the elderly and maintaining commerce. 
While we cannot win every battle, Eagle Forum is strategically positioned to make a difference on issues like this one, because we have a three-pronged strategy:
Eagle Forum Foundation, a 501(3)(3) educational entity, disseminates regular newsletters, e-mails, and a podcast designed to educate our followers about threats to our freedom and to equip them to engage in the fight to defend our great nation. (contributions tax-deductible)
Eagle Forum, a 501 (c)(4) membership activist organization, assembles, organizes, and activates everyday Americans to do the hard work of democracy by engaging in the political process to defend our values. (contributions not tax-deductible)
Eagle Forum PAC, a political action committee that provides direct financial support to candidates that will fight to defend our freedoms. (contributions not tax-deductible, and reporting requirements apply)
Please consider a contribution to an Eagle Forum entity today to enable us to continue the fight to protect our great nation by fighting battles that few other organizations will! 
Colleen Holcomb
Eagle Forum President

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