Election Day is November 5, and prochoice champions are on the ballot.
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On Tuesday, November 5, 2019, there are 49,000 races are on the ballot in 34 states. That's right. Critical elections
are happening now. With all the chaos of the federal government, barely anyone is talking about them. Take two minutes
and use the most comprehensive and easy-to-use online voter guide, and find the prochoice champions running in your
community this year! (<[link removed]>)
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We are a prochoice nation. More than 7 in 10 American voters support abortion and want it to be safe, legal,
accessible and respectful. But, in 2019 alone, anti-choice controlled state legislatures passed 59 bills restricting
access to abortion. These overly-funded anti-choice politicians are emboldened by a corrupt presidency and a Supreme
Court determined to overturn Roe v Wade. We cannot let this happen. That's why we must #VOTEPROCHOICE in every election
up and down the ballot. Right. Now.
Get your Personalized #VOTEPROCHOICE Voter Guide NOW (<www.vpc.guide>)
Luckily, we've launched the #VOTEPROCHOICE 2019 Voter Guide in time for November 5, 2019. This is our fourth year
building the most comprehensive, online resource for prochoice voters. We research the candidates in every race and
gather partner endorsements to make absolutely sure you #VOTEPROCHOICE in every race that appears on your personal
ballot. Trust us, it really matters that you vote in every election on your ballot. (<www.vpc.report>)
Our reproductive freedom is truly at stake. Only you have the power to elect prochoice candidates in 2019.
In solidarity,
Heidi L. Sieck Co-founder/CEO #VOTEPROCHOICE
This voter guide is provided as part of the press coverage on this election by Democrats.com through its project
#VOTEPROCHOICE. Democrats.com is the original online news and community site for progressive activists. The voter guide
is paid for by Democrats.com, www.democrats.com PO Box 1452, New York, NY 10276, and not authorized by any candidate or
candidate's committee.
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