It's beginning to look a whole lot like "forget this" as every shopping center parking lot in America is a jumble of angry drivers fruitlessly searching for parking spaces. I did my last grocery run and picked up a prescription and have no plans whatsoever to visit another store before Christmas.
As the governments begin rumbling about locking us down again, I find myself yearning for every moment of freedom I can get. For me, that's always a road trip or a walk in the woods. No matter how cold it gets, I like to roll down the windows, crank up the heat, and blast the stereo. It doesn't do a whole lot for my hair but it sure improves my
mood. There's nothing like exploring someplace new for me - I love it and it's one of the things I missed the most during the past two years, (even though I did manage to slip out to Mexico for a year.)
I also haven't eaten in too many restaurants. It's such a rigamarole where I live to put on a mask just to walk in, go to a table, and take off the mask like you're not breathing the same air you were when walking to the table.
However, I visited South Carolina last week and it was like being on a different planet. I met a friend at probably the best Indian restaurant I've ever visited and had absolutely incredible butter chicken and naan. Who woulda thunk it? Delicious Indian food in small down South Carolina?
All of my presents are wrapped and either mailed or under the tree for the people I love, my little apartment is bedecked in holiday finery, and I'm looking forward to the big day.
Unfortunately, my daughter who lives in Canada has had to cancel her Christmas visit, as the country is locking down again over the Omicron variant.
Yet another holiday ruined by power-hungry dictators who, I guarantee, will not be missing their loved ones this year. Just like last year, they'll bask in "let-them-eat-cake" hypocrisy while the rest of us have borders between us, family members who have been terrified by the media, and looming threats and manipulations.