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Weekend Edition, December 18-19, 2021


Banksters Are Taking The Last Vestige of Wealth Away From Americans

Bill Sardi

Keeping Unvaccinated Children From School Is Discrimination With No Medical or Scientific Basis

Vasko Kohlmayer

Where Do You Stand?

James Howard Kunstler

The Truth About the Stock Market and What It Means for You

David Stockman

Joe Rogan Interview with Dr. Peter McCullough


The Market for Urine

Karen Selick

America Is Erasing Herself

Paul Craig Roberts

Will Fed Crash Global Financial Markets for Their Great Reset?

F. William Engdahl

Omicron and the Magic Mouse Jump

The Good Citizen

When Your Government Ends a War But Increases the Military Budget, You’re Being Scammed

Caitlin Johnstone

Biden Holds a Losing Hand

Patrick J. Buchanan

The Scheming of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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