November 2019
The Moral Response: Just and Sacred
Dear Friends,
It has been a busy and exciting month for CLUE, as we welcome two new faith-rooted organizers, David Jaimes and Ashley Gonzalez, and celebrate the recognition that several of our staff have received for their hard work in our communities.
Earlier this fall, Lucero Garcia received an award from Fairview Community Church at their annual Beacon of Light celebration for her immigration advocacy in Orange County. Pastor Cue Jn-Marie was also nominated to be one of KCET's 2019 Local Heroes for his work with “Church Without Walls” on Skid Row.
Last night, I also had the honor to attend the South Coast Interfaith Council event at Temple Beth El in San Pedro, where CLUE faith-rooted organizer, Jeremy Arnold, was honored for his organizing work in the South Bay and Long Beach. The evening was a restorative interfaith concert that reflected the truth in which we ground our work: that all religions believe in justice.
During a performance by a member of the Bahá’í faith, we were reminded of one of their tenets, that “the essence of faith is fewness of words and abundance of deeds.” May we carry this truth with us as we prepare for the busy holiday season, continue to advocate for those in need, and fight for justice.
I invite you to read more below about the work we engaged in this month, and to attend several actions and events in the coming weeks.
Your donation makes a difference. Become a monthly donor today <[link removed]>!
In faith and solidarity,
Michelle M. Seyler
Executive Director
In this issue
Economic Justice
- Rancho Palos Verdes Community and women hospitality workers are getting out the vote for Tuesday’s Ballot Measure B to prevent sexual assault!
- STRIKE-ALERT: NUHW Mental Health Clinicians Launching 5-day Strike Mon 11/11 thru Fri 11/15
Justice for Immigrants
- VietRise, NDLON, and community Celebrate Sanctuary with huge festival in Orange County
- Orange County community stand up to cities of Huntington Beach and Los Alamitos as they attempt to undermine California Sanctuary Law
Upcoming & Action Alerts
- Sat Nov 9th: Rally for Our Rights: 25 Years Beyond Prop 187 (Los Angeles)
- Sun Nov 10th: Asylum Under Threat: An Update and Call to Action (Pasadena)
- Fri Dec 13th, Santa Ana: Support for Asylum Seekers Among Congregations & Communities
- Online Now: Capital and Main Launches “United States of Inequality” Series
Ongoing Outreach & Organizing Projects
- Santa Ana Building Healthy Communities’ "March for Community Land"
- CLUE's Good Shepherd Energy Stewardship Program News
Faith-Rooted Education and Outreach
- CLUE invited to CHIRLA event hosting Sen. Elizabeth Warren
- Our CLUE Team is Growing!
- CLUE Faith-Rooted Organizer, Lucero Garcia, honored at Fairview Community Church
- Pastor Cue Jn-Marie nominated as candidate for KCET's 2019 Local Heroes!
Economic Justice
Rancho Palos Verdes Community and women hospitality workers are getting out the vote for Tuesday’s Ballot Measure B to prevent sexual assault!
Lesly Meza, Maria Meza, and Alicia Quiros, representing the South Bay Women’s Project, debate Terranea President Terri Haack and RPV City Councilmember Susan Brooks at the League of Women Voters October 17, 2019.
We are a day away from Election Day in Rancho Palos Verdes, and the Yes on B campaign is shifting into Get Out The Vote (GOTV) mode to put Measure B, the Hospitality Working Conditions Ordinance, across the finish line. Long Beach voters passed a similar measure last year with over 64 percent of the vote, and Santa Monica’s city council passed its own version unanimously. In Rancho Palos Verdes, Measure B is expected to be a much closer race, with opponents having already spent over $1 million to defeat this worker protection and living wage measure.
Want to help protect workers from sexual assault and exploitation at the Terranea and Trump National Golf Course in Rancho Palos Verdes? We need everyone to pitch-in. Here’s what you can do:
- If you are an RPV voter, vote Yes on B Tuesday November 5!
- If you aren’t an RPV voter, tell your friends in the city why it’s so important to vote Yes on B!
- To volunteer or phone bank today or tomorrow, contact Alicia Quiros at 714-931-5112 or
[email protected] <mailto:
[email protected]>
STRIKE-ALERT: NUHW Mental Health Clinicians Launching 5-day Strike Mon 11/11 thru Fri 11/15
For years now, Kaiser Permanente’s nearly 4,000 psychologists, social workers, and therapists have worked in severely understaffed clinics that force many patients to wait months for needed therapy appointments. And now after having worked for over a year without a contract, NUHW mental health clinicians have filed notice that they will conduct a statewide strike against Kaiser Permanente beginning on November 11th at all facilities for five days.
What are they fighting for? "Our comprehensive proposals for settlement include measures to improve access to mental health care, reduce unsustainable caseloads for clinicians, and give clinicians enough time during the day to communicate with patients who can’t get appointments. We are also seeking the same benefits and annual cost-of-living raises that Kaiser has already provided to 140,000 other employees who settled contracts over the past year."
Our Kaiser Mental Health clinicians need our support at the rallies and on the picket line next week at two locations:
* Mon 11/11: Picket & Rally @ Kaiser Permanente in Anaheim
When: Mon 11/11 - Picketing from 6am-1pm; Rally from 12-1pm
Where: Kaiser Anaheim Medical Center Anaheim, 3440 East La Palma, Anaheim, CA 92806
Can you join KP mental health clinicians for the picket or rally in Anaheim?If so, please contact CLUE organizer, Adam Overton at
[email protected] <mailto:
[email protected]>.
* Tue 11/12: Picket & Rally @ Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles
When: Tue 11/12 - Picketing from 6am-2pm; Rally from 12-1pm
Where: Kaiser Los Angeles Medical Center, 4867 Sunset Blvd (near the corner of Sunset and Edgemont.)
Can you join KP mental health clinicians for the picket or rally in LA?If so, please contact CLUE organizer, Guillermo Torres at
[email protected] <mailto:
[email protected]>.
Thank you for supporting therapists’ efforts to achieve improvements to benefit our patients and communities!
Please consider dedicating your next birthday on Facebook to CLUE! Did you know that you can support CLUE's work by creating a simple birthday fundraiser on Facebook? It's easy to do, just visit [link removed]. Thanks!
Justice for Immigrants
VietRise, NDLON, and community Celebrate Sanctuary with festival in Orange County
<[link removed]>
CLUE stands in solidarity with immigrants using the powerful message of sanctuary as resistance to the current administration’s cruel anti-immigrant tactics. On Sunday, October 20th, VietRise and the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) convened a festive, one-day celebration of Sanctuary, featuring music, arts, and communal resource sharing, at the Atlantis Play Center in Garden Grove.
Watch the inspiring We Celebrate Sanctuary video made that day by VietRise, NDLON, and Tommy Tr Duong! [link removed]
Orange County community stands up to cities of Huntington Beach and Los Alamitos as they attempt to undermine California Sanctuary Law
On Wednesday October 23rd, faith community and immigrant justice activists from Los Alamitos United, VietRise, NDLON, and others joined with lawyers from ACLU SoCal for a press conference in front of the California Court of Appeal in Santa Ana. We were there to challenge the cities of Los Alamitos and Huntington Beach, who have sued the state in an attempt to undermine SB54, a new state law that prevents local police departments from collaborating with ICE agents in their cruel efforts to detain and deport our undocumented family, friends, and neighbors.
Despite a chaotic scene of screaming Trump supporters violently blasting bullhorns directly into activists’ faces and ears, Pastor Samuel Pullen and community peacefully led a press conference with songs of hope and support for immigrants, before moving inside to pack the courtroom. The court’s decision is expected to come within 90 days.
Read the OC Weekly article about the press conference and court case here: [link removed]
To get involved with our immigrant justice work in Orange County, please reach out to CLUE’s faith-rooted organizer, David Jaimes, at
[email protected] <mailto:
[email protected]>.
Your donation makes a big difference!
Become a CLUE sustainer with a monthly gift today! <[link removed]>
Upcoming & Action Alerts
Sat. Nov 9th: Rally for Our Rights: 25 Years Beyond Prop 187 (Los Angeles)
<[link removed]>
It’s been 25 years since the reviled Prop 187 came and went, one of California’s major racist stains. Championed by former Governor Pete Wilson in 1994, the “Save Our State (SOS) initiative” Prop 187 <[link removed]>, was designed to deny undocumented immigrants access to health care, public education, and other services in our state. Now the community will join together for a day of action as we stand up, once again, against the racism, hatred and bigotry symbolized by Prop 187.
When: Sat 11/9, 10am-4pm
Where: Los Angeles State Historic Park, 1245 N Spring St, Los Angeles, California 90012
More info:[link removed]
Sun. Nov 10th: Asylum Under Threat: An Update and Call to Action (Pasadena)
<[link removed]>
On Sunday November 10th, the Social Justice Committee of the Pasadena Jewish Temple & Center presents Asylum Under Threat: An Update and Call to Action. Learn how recent policy changes affect migrants seeking asylum in the U.S. and how you can help. The event will feature speakers from Public Counsel, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), Al Otro Lado, and CLUE.
When: Sunday, November 10, 2019, 9:45am
Where: Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center, 1434 N. Altadena Dr, Pasadena
More info:
[email protected] <mailto:
[email protected]>
RSVP:[link removed]
Suggested donation: $5 breakfast + $15 (or whatever you can contribute) to support legal aid and other needs of asylum seekers.
Fri. Dec 13th, Santa Ana: Support for Asylum Seekers Among Congregations & Communities
When: Fri. 12/13, 10am-12pm
Where: Temple Beth Sholom, 2625 N Tustin Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92705
Who: Clergy & Laity United for Economic Justice, Sacred Resistance: Sanctuary Task Force of the Episcopal Diocese of LA, Pacific Presbytery, California-Pacific Conference of the United Methodist Church, Matthew 25 SoCal, WeCare
[email protected] <mailto:
[email protected]>
Online Now: Capital and Main Launches “United States of Inequality” Series
<[link removed]>
CLUE is excited to be engaged in Capital and Main’s new project, the “United States of Inequality.”
Even with low unemployment and robust job growth, a majority of Americans face high levels of economic insecurity. This Capital & Main series examines how tens of millions of Americans increasingly struggle to make ends meet and how this reality may affect the 2020 presidential elections.
Check out the first in the series at <[link removed]>, and follow along by signing up for their newsletter or following them on Twitter <[link removed]>.
Ongoing Outreach & Organizing Projects
Santa Ana Building Healthy Communities’ "March for Community Land"
March for Community Land in Santa Ana on October 16, 2019, fighting for responsible development at the Walnut and Daisy lot.
Rev. Jackie Thompson of Johnson Chapel AME Church offers an opening blessing and remarks before the community begins to march for “community lands in community hands.”
On Wednesday, October 16th, CLUE joined THRIVE Santa Ana, the community, and other local organizations in a March for Community Land. Residents gathered at Johnson Chapel AME Church in Santa Ana to listen to powerful testimonials, and to demand that the city work with residents, local organizations, and the new community land trust, THRIVE Santa Ana, to guarantee responsible use of public lands like the one at the Walnut and Daisy lot. Residents and youth spoke about the importance of fighting for parks, safe community open spaces, dignified, affordable and inclusive housing, and economic development that truly incorporates residents’ input. Unfortunately, the City of Santa Ana’s desire to sell public lands like these to investors and developers has alarmed local community who feel their input, and the needs of the community, haven't been considered.
To learn more and get involved, please contact faith-rooted organizer Lucero Garcia at
[email protected] <mailto:
[email protected]>.
CLUE POWER (People Organizing for Women's Economic Rights) continues to advocate for hotel workers in their struggles against various types of workplace abuses. We call this campaign Bread and Roses, recognizing that true liberation is not just the ability to survive, but also to thrive. We also acknowledge the deep connection between hospitality justice and immigration justice. Hearing the stories of women's struggles as they migrate to make a safe home for themselves and their families, POWER committee members sought ways to join with these women in solidarity, love, support, and chaplaincy.
In furtherance of this mission, POWER partnered with North Hills UMC and the Refugee Center there. In the spirit of being God's hands and feet, we visited the refugees on October 16th. We brought various items that had been requested, such as feminine hygiene products, diapers, and gift certificates so that the women could purchase new underwear. We sat and talked with the women, cried with them, and prayed with them. It was a beautiful time of deep connection. And that connection and partnership will continue. We learned of many different ways to stay in relationship, provide support, bear witness, and contribute in the weeks and months ahead.
CLUE's Good Shepherd Energy Stewardship Program News
CLUE, in partnership with Energy Upgrade CA, was at Metropolitan Community Church on Sunday, October 27th, with Rev. Alejandro Scotto educating faith communities about how to protect our natural resources in California, specifically Energy Upgrade California’s "Time of Use" program. For more information on how you, your family, and congregation can keep California Golden, learn more at <[link removed]>.
CLUE invited to CHIRLA event hosting Sen. Elizabeth Warren
On October 4th, CLUE attended an event with Senator Elizabeth Warren hosted by CHIRLA Action Fund. She opened the conversation by saying that she wants to hear from the community and asked those in attendance: “Do I have it right?” In response, CHIRLA members and other partners were able to share their stories, provide her with insight, and ask questions about our immigration crisis, criminal justice reform, healthcare, and workers’ rights.
She stated what many of us feel while doing this imperative work: “This is our chance. I really believe, in this country, we are running out of time.” It was an inspiring conversation, and it was even more inspiring to see CHIRLA members share their stories with Senator Warren.
Our CLUE Team is Growing!
CLUE is thrilled to announce two new additions to our team! David Jaimes has joined our faith-rooted organizing team in Orange County, where he will be leading CLUE’s immigrant justice work in the region. And Ashley Gonzalez is our new faith-rooted organizer working with our Los Angeles and Santa Monica Committees! Please welcome David and Ashley when you meet them!
David was born in Lima, Peru but grew up in Santa Ana, CA. His parents are pastors and they work with small spanish-speaking immigrant pentecostal churches. He is currently serving at Santa Ana UMC and pursuing ordination. David holds a degree from Barclay College in Bible/Theology and is currently a divinity student at Fuller Theological Seminary. He has worked with various immigrant communities seeking justice as well as mobilizing faith leaders to action and compassion. He is happily married to Claudia, lives in Fullerton, and loves to play soccer in his spare time.
Ashley graduated from Azusa Pacific University in May 2018 with a bachelor's degree in Global Studies and a minor in Sociology. Before joining CLUE, she worked at LAANE where her passion for the Labor movement was further strengthened. Ashley grew up as a missionary kid in Quito, Ecuador and was heavily involved in her community, where she observed severe social injustices that embedded in her a deep passion for social justice and equity. Working with her church taught her the importance of the faith community and the power they can leverage to create social change. Ashley is a passionate social justice advocate and looks forward to having sincere conversations with others and standing with the CLUE community to advocate for workers and immigrants.
CLUE Faith-Rooted Organizer, Lucero Garcia, honored at Fairview Community Church
Last month CLUE’s very own faith-rooted organizer, Lucero Garcia, was honored at Fairview Community Church’s annual Beacon of Light Celebration, where the congregation celebrated her tireless work fighting for immigrant justice in Orange County. She was honored alongside several other amazing community organizers – Dannie Ceseña, of the CA LGBTQ Health & Human Services Network; and Lanie Friedman on behalf of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. Congrats to all the honorees!
Pastor Cue Jn-Marie nominated as candidate for KCET's 2019 Local Heroes!
<[link removed]>
KCET has nominated Pastor and CLUE faith-rooted organizer, Cue Jn-Marie, to be one of 2019’s Local Heroes! Thank you Pastor Cue for your dedicated service to build our Beloved Community.
Read more here: [link removed]
Even though Thanksgiving isn’t until November 28th, CLUE can’t wait to say “thank you” to all of our donors, especially those of you who have joined the growing group of sustaining givers by making a recurring monthly gift to CLUE. <[link removed]> We are grateful to you today and everyday, for sustaining the struggle for dignity, good jobs, and justice for workers, immigrants, and their families. Thank you!
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CLUE's Mission is to educate, organize and mobilize the faith community to accompany workers and their families in their struggle for good jobs, dignity, and justice.
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CLUE: Building a Just and Sacred Society - 464 Lucas Ave, Suite 202, Los Angeles, CA 90017, United States
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