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Dear John,

This is your weekly newsletter from the Connecticut Republicans called "Trunk Talk". We hope you enjoy these updates.   

In case you missed it, below are few recent highlights from the Connecticut Republicans on what is happening in Connecticut and in the news nation wide

With fuel prices soaring, Lamont and the CT Democrats plan on adding 50 cents a gallon in new taxes!

House Republican Leader Vincent Candelora and members of the House Republican caucus tackled  Digital vaccine passports, no-bid contracts, transparency, Sema4, and legislative Democrats letting Gov. Lamont do whatever he wants

Republicans say Gov. Ned Lamont’s electronic COVID-19 vaccination cards could lead to data breaches.

We are fighting back against Ned Lamont and the Democrats' lack of transparency and radical agenda. Your generous support will help us continue to support Republicans thorough the state. 

You can donate here:
Save Our State
In the News:

Senator Blumenthal caused bipartisan outrage earlier this week when he gave the keynote speech for the Communist Party's 102nd birthday. 

Biden Polling Plummets and 2022 Midterm Red Wave Gathers Strength

Shock Poll: Biden 2024 Popularity Dismal, Only 22% Want Him on Ticket, Harris Even Worse

‘Build Back Better’ is Democrats’ Down Payment on Socialism

U.S. Senate Passes Republican Bill to Overturn Biden Vaccine Mandate

Sen. Cruz Blasts Democrat Colleagues Over Radical Biden Nominee: Here Are The 15 Crimes Rachel Rollins Wouldn’t Prosecute – And You’re About to Make Her U.S. Attorney

John, Connecticut Republicans are working overtime to stop the Democrats' radical agenda. With YOUR help, we can save our state and stand up for America. 

If you want to join the Connecticut Comeback, your donation will help us take back the house in 2022, you can donate here:
Join the Connecticut Comeback
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Southington, Connecticut 06489

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