
The Democrats’ Socialist agenda is crippling our nation.

Have you seen some of the policies coming out of D.C. lately? Biden and the Left are trying to massively expand the IRS, pack the Supreme Court, and give millions of illegal immigrants mass amnesty. It’s up to us to put a stop to it!

The Left is forcing Socialism on America at an alarming rate, and they are prepared to sacrifice our freedoms to get it done. The Democrats are the party of big government and Socialism, and unless we stop them, they will take away our guns, drain our wallets, and force mandates on us and our children.
Socialism is not the solution to America’s problems. Instead, it’s caused many of this year’s worst crises. Socialism is a threat to America, and as it continues to spread like wildfire, I’m counting on you to pitch in and join the fight to stop the Socialists before it’s too late!
For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne