This week, we're reminded why we helped elect Congressman Andy Kim (NJ-03) in 2018. Integrity and courage matter, and Andy has both.

That was on display when Andy stood up for an idea many people might think is obvious: Members of Congress trading individual stocks creates an inherent conflict of interest with their duty to make decisions in the public interest.

Andy Kim is a progressive who won twice in a purple district Donald Trump also won twice. We need to make sure Andy makes it back to Congress in 2022.

Can you donate $3 to Andy Kim's re-election campaign and our work electing more progressives who fight for everyday people, not big corporations -- and not their own personal wealth.

Andy Kim's tweet responding to Nancy Pelosi: I disagree strongly here. Members of Congress should not be allowed to trade individual stocks. Neither should the President or other senior officials. Americans are losing trust in government and we need to show we serve the people, not our personal/political self-interest.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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